In June, I broke out the Blood Angels for a few games. I was only able to complete 2 over a course of 2 weeks because of time issues.
I seem to have lost all of the pictures I took with my Angels...
It is a shame because Dameons army is beautiful.
For the two games I completed, I brought.
Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost
10 Space Marines
w/Lascannon, Meltagun, Powerweapon
10 Space Marines
w/Lascannon, Flamer, Powerfist
10 Space Marines
w/Lascannon, Flamer, Powerfist
Rhino w/Storm Bolter
10 Space Marines
w/Lascannon, Meltagun, Powerweapon
Rhino w/Storm Bolter
6 Death Company
w/Jump Packs
2 Attack Bikes w/Heavy Bolter
2 Attack Bikes w/Multi-Melta
2 Attack Bikes w/Multi-Melta
Baal Predator
w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Baal Predator
w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Game 1:
My opponent Dameon and his thousand sons.(A GREAT looking army, by the way)
He brings:
2 Daemon Princes w/MoT, wings, Bolt of Change
18 Thousand sons w/Rhino
9 Thousand sons w/Rhino
a pack of lesser demons
3 Twin CCW Chaos Dreadnoughts
2 Defilers
Dawn of War Capture and Control.
I deploy 2 Lascannon combat squads.
Dameon deploys nothing and opts not to sieze the initiative.
Turn 1:
Me: I move everything on to the board from my board edge.
Dameon: Moves everything on. A daemon prince kills 1 attack bike.
Thousand sons plus a defiler kill 2 from a lascannon squad.
Turn 2:
Me: MM bike pops a Rhino, another MM wounds a Daemon Prince
The Baal predator wounds a daemon prince, a Lascannon finishes it.
The heavy bolter bikes and Baal combine to kill 2 thousand sons.
Dameon: The lesser daemons arrive; The daemon prince immobilizes the predator. A razorback gets stunned by a Defiler.
The daemons assault and kill an attack bike.
Turn 3:
Me: A 5-man tac squad runs forward and flames 2 daemons to death. A Baal de-guns a Chaos Dreadnought.
The Rhino, a lascannon, and a melta combine to do 2 wounds to the daemon prince. In assault with Daemons, it is a 1-1 draw.
Dameon: The thousand sons whiff at firing at the attack bikes. The daemon prince kills a rhino, one passenger dies.
In assault, one casualty is inflicted, teh participants stay and fight.
Turn 4:
Me: Chaplain Lemartes and the Death Company arrive from reserves.
A lascannon destroys a defiler. The dakka pred immobilizes a Rhino.
In assault, the Chaplain and Death Company charge the daemon prince, one Death Company dies, Lemartes kills the Prince.
Dameon: The defiler fires and kills 2 death company marines. The thousand sons again fail to wound the attack bikes.
A dreadnought charges and destroys a Baal predator. Another dreadnought charges, whiffs, and loses an arm.
Turn 5:
Me: I kill 5 thousand sons with various shooting. In close combat, I draw with the lesser daemons (long combat)
In combat, the dreadnought kills 3, but the power fist kills the dreadnought.
Dameon: the thousand sons do a wound to a multi-melta bike. The defiler gets a 2 for difficult terrain and a 1 for fleet to put him out of assault range.
In combat, the marines beat down the lesser daemons.
Turn 6:
Me: Baal de-guns the defiler. The rest of the army kills the rest of the small squad of thousand sons.
In combat, a dread kills 1, the other goes 0-0. I assault the large thousand sons squad at an extreme end of their deployment.
Their 6 inch counter charge moves them off of their objective. Strangely, I kill 2 whilst only losing one.
I move my chaplain and DC within 1 inch of the defiler, but do not charge.
Dameon: His defiler chrages, and kills the death company. The big assault ends in a draw, with the only scoring unit on dameons side being too far to control.
The Die of destiny ends it, bringing about a 1-0 Blood Angels victory
Game 2:
My opponent Dan and his Blood Angels
He brings:
5 Veteran assault marines with a variety of weapons
10 Death Company
Venerable Death Company Dreadnought
10 Marines Missile, Plasma
10 Marines Lascannon, ?
Razorback with Twin-plas, lascannon (using forge-world rules and cost)
Baal Predator
Spearhead Annihilation
I deploy (combat squad everything) and go first.
Turn 1:
Me: My Baal pred kills 2 marines.
Dan: Moves everything forward. The vindicator stuns a Baal amd kills an attack bike.
Turn 2:
Me: Meltagun stuns the vindicator, Bolterbikes Immobilize the Razorback.
The razorback kills 2 marines. Other bikes and Baal whiff.
Dan: gets a land speeder and veteran assault squad in reserves. The vets get a bad scatter and return to the reserves.
The baal goes fast, the razorback kills an attack bike.
Dante meltas the rhino and assaults the survivors, who also die. I do kill 2 DC though.
Turn 3:
Me: A multi-melta kills the venerable dreadnought. I stun and de-gun the razorback.
Dan: The veterans come back in from reserves, another speeder flies in.
A Baal pred kills 2 from a 5-man squad. The veteran assaulters kill an attack bike and a marine.
A speeder kills a rhino, a passenger dies, DC assaults a bike and kills it.
Turn 4:
Me: Both Baal predators roll a 1 and stall. 2 Attack bikes and 5 marines kill 1 veteran marine.
A razorback shakes a speeder. The Baal predator finally kills the razorback.
The 4 man squad shoots and kills 2. In assault, I kill zero marines and lose 4 marines.
The lighting claw vet dies, I lose a bike and kill a Bp CCW vet.
Dan: His baal kills a marine from one of my las squads.
Dante Immobilizes the Baal Pred. 1-1 draw in combat with vet assault squad.
Turn 5:
Me: My razorback finally kills a speeder. The Dc shoot and kill a DC. The baal kills 2 death company.
In combat, I lose 0 and kill 2.
My DC charge, his dante and lemartes kill 4, I kill all of their death company.
Dan: The vindicator destroys a baal pred. His baal destroys my last baal.
In combat, I finally kill the veteran assault squad.
Dante kills a DC, loses 1. Lemartes takes 1. I lose by stay.
The die of destiny ends this one (Dan has 9, I only have 6) a big loss for the Angels.
I was disappointed across the board in this game. My 4 lascannon firing every turn caused not a single glancing or penetrating hit.
Despite firing at AV 11 and 13 targets, they did nothing for me. Rolling 2 misses at a crucial state with my multimelta bikes was frustrating.
I made an error when moving my melta wielding rhinos in to pop tanks. It was a gamble that I lost. Next time I will know better.
These bring my record to 30W 14L 11D.