Friday, March 9, 2012

Looking forward.

So, 6th edition is right around the corner. It could arrive as early as June 2012, by some accounts.

I am unlikely to make any changes to my competitive armies in the interim. There is no sense changing things up or buying new models when a new edition could be drastically different. In fact, if you look through the changes in editions since 3rd, you can see a trend of "mech is strong" followed by "vehicles are deathtraps", followed by "mech is strong". So no new changes on that front.

I have some tournaments coming up. I have a 1500 point non-competitive "tournament" coming up on the 17th. I have decided to bring my sisters as it gives me an excuse to paint the unpainted models and turn my Twin-Heavy Flamer Immolators into Twin-Multi-Melta Immolators. (Ignoring the fact that Immolators are overcosted for no apparent reason)

There is a chance that I will be attending WargamesCon (aka BolsCon) in June. I will be at the NOVAOpen as an assistant in running the event. I received an invite to Throne of Skulls 2012 in Memphis, although I do not know when this is taking place. (In 2011 it was in early June)

So, not a ton going on in the "competitive gaming" front. I have turned my attention to more casual projects. I recently started looking into the mission "Kill Team" out of the horribly uncompetitive "Battle Missions" supplement. I have decided to get into this as a distraction to my looming fears about 6th edition. (I will post more about my endeavors with Kill Team later)

I am wholeheartedly worried that GW will do to 6th Edition 40k what they to the newest edition of Fantasy; Try to shoehorn "fun" into the game in terms of random effects. A game can be fun without a random hill or forest nuking one of my units, or making one stupidly powerful for no reason. I am also worried that (with "Jervis the meek" at the helm) 40k will turn into a game that simply takes too long to play in a competitive environment. I for one, certainly do not want to spend 4-5 hours playing a single game of 40k. Over-complicated rules are something that slows down the game, I do not want this.

That was a bit of a mini-rant I guess.



Unknown said...

There are a couple missions out of the Battle Missions book that aren't too bad in terms of the competitiveness.
Kill Team is very fun. I'd recommend looking into Kill Zone, which is a much more in-depth and dynamic version of Kill Team.
I think that 6th edition may not be that bad. I'd like to imagine that GW will have learned from 8th, in terms of using random bullshit to fix problems. But, I may be wish-listing.
Frankly, whatever happens with the new edition, I will be playing 40k. It has created far too many friends and social circles almost based primarily on playing it to just stop entirely. Fantasy, in the new edition, is fun, although very unbalanced in terms of its competitiveness.
In any event, I have Warmachine to turn to at least.

Saint Omerville said...

What is "Kill Zone"?


Unknown said...

Saint Omerville said...

This set actually does not look that bad.
It appears well thought out. BUT, there may still be some loopholes.


Tomb King said...

Hey Mike its brett from the indy. I am glad to see are game was still a fun experience for both sides. I am in the process of doing all the batreps on dakkadakka atm. You going to adepticon?

Saint Omerville said...

Hey Brett,
Thanks for stopping by.

Sadly, I will not be at Adepticon because I am going to a Wedding in Las Vegas.

If you happen to attend NOVA, I will see you there.
