Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Epic Dick Move

Unfortunately, I was unable to play any games this weekend. Some...drama, unfolded.

Here is the scoop. I am in a gaming club, the Frederick Area Gamers (FrAGs for short)
We have officer elections, etc... One guy got a bunch of his friends to join the club (great!) so when election time came, he was elected president. (again, no big deal)

He attempted to push a lot of ideas onto the club without really consulting any of its members (some had been gaming together for 10+ years) Anyways, when the club voiced dissent to his rather presumptuous ideas, he stormed off in a temper-tantrum (odd for a 40+ year old male)

So, he and his friends formed their own club (again, that's fine, if you don't like our club, make your own)

Here comes the Epic Dick Move. The admin for our club site is also the admin for their club site. Their club rented out the gaming space (for their club) for the next 6 months (you have to pay them to be a member and to play by their rules) Then they got our shared admin to close down our website. DICK.

So, quite a nice cunning plan (I cannot blame them for being cunning) but it strikes me as an asinine thing to do.

So, after a few days, we were able to buy our own hosting/domain/etc... But we still do not have a place to play (I will say it is frustrating to be thrown out after 10 years of patronage in favor of a group that has just moved in, in the past 10 months.)


1 comment:

Mark said...

Have you found a space to play yet? If not, I have plans to build several new terrain tables, all new terrain, and setup in my 2,150sf basement for gaming and lounging. I miss AREA31 so gods damn much, any opportunity to rebuild a tremendously fun part of it would certainly be wonderful. How often do you guys get together to game? Is it weekends mostly?