On Saturday 5/23/09, my 3-month 40k drought ended. I played 4 games at the Battle Bunker in Glen Burnie, MD.
My list, the Pride of Iyanden
Prince Yriel, Autarch of Iyanden, Epic Asskicker
Farseer w/Runes of Warding, Fortune
10 Dire Avengers w/Power Weapon, Shimmershield, Defend
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons
10 Dire Avengers w/Power Weapon, Shimmershield, Defend
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons
10 Wraithguard w/Warlock, Spiritseer, Enhance (The Parade)
8 Fire Dragons w/Exarch, Dragons Breath Flamer
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons
5 Wraithguard w/Warlock, Enhance
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons
Wraithlord w/Scatter Laser, Eldar Missile Launcher
Wraithlord w/Scatter Laser, Eldar Missile Launcher
Game 1: Dawn of War Annihilation against the New Imperial Guard.
My Opponent: Bobby, aka Artax, a member of my gaming club.
He brought (from memory)
Command Platoon with advisors in a Chimera
Infantry Platoon
-Platoon Command
-3 Infantry squads, 2 Missile, 1 Lascannon
-2 Heavy Weapon squads Missile and Heavy Bolter
2 Outflanking Storm Trooper units.
2 Valkyries with 10 veterans inside, Sgt. Bastonne
Leman Russ Demolisher
Leman Russ Punisher
Bobby begins by deploying an Infantry Squad with Lascannon and a Heavy Weapons Squad with Missile Launchers.
I deploy nothing.
Turn 1:
Bobby: Moves on two Tanks, heavy Weapon Squads, 2 Chimeras, and 2 Infantry Squads.
He runs his squads forward and then pops smoke on his tanks.
Me: I move everything on to the board. My Wave Serpents each fly 24" on both sides of me.

Turn 2:
Bobby: Both Stormtrooper units and both Valkyires outflank on my left.
The Stormtroopers fire thier AP 3 hellguns at my Wraithguard and kill 4, the Punisher kills another.
His Lascannons and missile launchers all combine to miss my Wave Serpents the one that hits takes one down and also kills a Dire Avenger.
Me: I fortune the Wraithguard parade. My Wraithguard parade fires at a Valkyrie and kills it (along with 7 passengers). One of my Wraithlords guns down the other (plus 2 passengers) My Waveserpents combine to kill all of the Heavy Bolter Weapons Platoon and 2 Missile Launchers from the other. 5 Wraithguard jump out in front of the Demolisher and ALL miss. The fire Dragons take 2 guns from the Punisher and stun it. The Dire Avengers kill 2 Stormtroopers with shooting and then assault drawing 1-1. The Wraithlord assaults the other Stormtrooper squad and kills 2, they pass their morale test.

Turn 3:
Bobby: An Infantry squad fires and kills 2 Fire Dragons. He calls down an ordnance barrage using his master of Ordnance, it smokes 4 Wraithguard from the 5-strong unit, a Missile Launcher takes the other one. The Warlock breaks and runs, the Wave Serpent gets stunned. Bastonnes squad (with a missile launcher) meltaguns a Wraithlord to Death. In Close Combat, the Dire Avengers kill 2 and lose 2. The Wraithlord misses...
Me: The Fire Dragons move and destroy the Demolisher (losing 1 Fire Dragon). I decide to be daring and Ram the Chimera with my Wave Serpent. I die, he loses a gun... Yriel and the Parade assault Bastonnes squad and wipes them off the planet. The Dire Avengers kill 1 and I lose 1.

Turn 4:
Bobby: A missile Launcher kills my other Wave Serpent and 5 Dire Avengers inside, the nearby units finish them off. Close Combat, the Dire Avengers kill 2, they break and are wiped out.
Me: The other Dire Avengers Squad and a Wave Serpent combien to kill 5 guardsmen. The Fire Dragons immobilize the Punisher. Yriel and Wraithlord smash the Stormtroopers.
Turn 5:
Bobby: Concedes.
Game 2: Dawn of War Annihilation against Death Guard
My Opponent: Leigh Brady, aka Sorrow, Winner of the Games-Day 2008 40k Tournament.
He brings...
Daemon Prince w/Mark of Nurgle, Warptime
Daemon Prince w/Mark of Nurgle, Warptime
8 Plague Marines w/2 Flamers, Power Sword, Rhino
8 Plague Marines w/2 Plasma Guns, Power Sword, Rhino
8 Plague Marines w/2 Meltaguns, Power Sword, Rhino
8 Plague Marines w/2 Meltaguns, Power Sword, Rhino
4 Terminators, Heavy Flamer, Mark(?)
4 Terminators, heavy Flamer, Mark(?)
He Deploys 2 Plague Marine units and a Daemon Prince
I deploy the Farseer and Wraithguard Parade.
Turn 1:
Me: I fortune the parade. Everything else rolls on the board.
Leigh: Moves everything on to the board but 2 squads of terminators. He pops smoke on a Rhino. A defiler ordnances a Wraithguard to Death.

Turn 2:
Me: One of my Wave Serpents does a wound to the Daemon Prince, the Wraithlord finishes him (Leigh failed 3 of 4 saves). I immobilize the lead Rhino.
Leigh: Both Terminator squads arrive and are dropped behind his lines. Some Melta guns fail to penetrate the Wave Serpent (Energy Field FTW!)
The Defiler rolls terrible on his dice and fails to assault a wave Serpent.

Turn 3:
Me: I fail fortune. I move my Wave Serpents forward and dismount everyone. The Dire Avengers and Wraithlord kill 2 Plague Marines. A Wave Serpent kills 1 from another squad. The other Wraithlord kills 2 from a third squad. The Fire Dragons toast a Defiler, the Wraithguard Immobilize the other.
Leigh: The Daemon Prince passes his warptime despite needing 10 or less on 3 dice. The Plague Marines kill 6 Fire Dragons. Plague Marines kill 2 Dire Avengers. Melta guns wreck a Wave Serpent. The Daemon Prince Charges the Wraithguard. He kills 3, I lose another 2 in combat resolution.

Turn 4:
Me: My shooting completely sucks and nothing is killed. In close Combat, the Daemon prince finishes the small Wraithguard squad.
Leigh: Passes hi test for wartime, again. One of his Rhinos is immobilized in an attempt to cross difficult terrain. Meltaguns kill a Wave Serpent. More meltaguns take the guns off another. Bolter fire kills 4 Dire Avengers as I fail 4 out of 5 saves... The Daemon Prince Charges the parade and Kills 2 WG, I cause 0 wounds in return.

Turn 5:
Me: The daemon prince fails Warptime and wounds himself. My wraithlord missiles a lone Plague Marine, he goes to ground and makes his 6+ save.
The Dire Avengers fire, killing the Plague Marine Champion. A Wave Serpent de-guns a Rhino. Wraithlord Charges Termies, Draw. Yriel does 1 to the Daemon prince. The prince loses another wound in combat resolution.
Leigh: No Shooting from leigh. In close Combat Yriel pounds the Daemon Prince. The Wraithlord again, whiffs.
Turn 6:
Me: My other Wraithlord kills the lone Plague Marine. Dire Avengers finally finish the Plague Marines they were trading shots with. Still a Draw with close Combats. Yriel charges a PM squad alone, pulls off the eye, kills 1 due to FNP, oops.
Leigh: The defiler battle cannons the Dire Avengers in the Open they go to ground and both make 6+ saves! In Combat, Yriel kills 3 Plague Marines, then dies. Wraithlord kills 1, WG kill1, take 2 casualties, draw! My other Wraithlord wounds, but Leigh makes both 5+ saves.
Turn 7:
Me: I fortune, I re-embark with a Dire Avengers Squad, they roll out. In CC the Wraithlord and Terminators draw again. (Leigh has made 6 5+ saves) In another combat, I kill 1 Plague Marine.
Leigh: In Close Combat, I lose a Wraithguard. The Wraithlord finally kills a Terminator, they pass their break test.

We tally KP's.
Leigh Killed.
-Wave Serpent
-Wraithguard Squad.
(3 Kill Points)
I killed
-A Defiler
-Both Daemon Princes
-2 Plague Marine Squads
(5 Kill Points)
This game was very close. In retrospect, I should not have used the eye of wrath against Plague Marines and just should have attacked normally.
Game 3: Dawn of War Seize Ground (5 Objectives) against the Deathwing.
My Opponent PJ Brady, aka Downer, Halo 3 online prodigy.
He brings...
6 Terminator Squads
Land Raider Crusader
PJ Deploys a unit of terminators.
I deploy the Farseer and Wraithguard Parade.
Turn 1:
PJ: A Land Raider Crusader and 8 Termies roll on the board. 3 Others Depp Strike in. One Wraithguard dies to shooting...
Me: Everything rolls on, a Wave Serpent kills a terminator.

Turn 2:
PJ: 1 Terminator Squad Arrives. The Crusader rolls closer. Nothing dies due to fortune.
ME: I FAIL FORTUNE. I roll out and deploy the Wraithguard. The wraithguard, Wave Serpent, and Wraithlord kill 4 from a 5-man termie squad on the left. The remaining Wave serpents and Wraithlord kill 3 from another unit.

Turn 3: PJ runs the Crusader through the Center of the Board. The Assault Cannon de-guns a Wave Serpent.
The Terminators get out and Assault. I kill 2 Terminators, 6 Wraithguard, the Warlock, and The farseer all die. Yriel takes a wound. FUCK.
On the other side of the board, the Wraithguard squad kills a terminator.
Me: The Wraithguard move forward and toast the Land Raider Crusader. The fire Dragons and Wave Serpent kill a Terminator. They charge and wipe the squad. Yriel kills 2 lightning Claw terminators, Belial kills a Wraithguard. The Wraithlord kills the Chaplain. PJ Concedes.

Game 4: Spearhead Secure and Control against Nurgle Chaos Daemons
My Opponent Brian, a person who had been hanging out at the Bunker and watching some games.
He brings...
Ku'Gath, Plaguefather
Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle
15 Plaguebearers
15 Plaguebearers
10 Plaguebearers
10 Plaguebearers
8 Nurgling Bases
Daemon Prince w/loads of upgrades (245 points)
Daemon Prince w/loads of upgrades (245 points)
Daemon Prince w/loads of upgrades (245 points)
My opponent wisely lets me deploy first and go first. Here is a photo of my deployment, my objective.

Turn 1:
Me: Strike a pose, look suave, wait for turn 2.
Brian: Deep strikes Epidemius w/15 Plaguebearers, the 3 daemon princes, nurglings.

Turn 2:
Me: From Reserves I receive, Both Dire Avengers Squads, Farseer, Yriel, and Wraithguard Parade, a Wraithlord, and my Fire Dragons. My Dire Avenger Wave Serpents do 2 wounds to the Daemon Prince on my left. The Parade(10 Wraithguard) kill the middile Daemon prince. The Fire Dragons, their Serpent, and the Wraithlord kill the right Daemon Prince.
Brian: Ku'gath arrives. The daemon prince breaths 3 Wraithguard to Death. Ku' Gath ordnances 5 Fire Dragons to Death. The Daemon Prince chrages the parade and is killed by Yriel. Epidemius' tally is now at 8.

Turn 3:
Me: My other Wraithlord Arrives, and does a wound to Ku'gath. My Fire Dragons retreat in their serpent. The Parade fires at, assaults, and kills all 8 nurgling bases.
Brian: The rest of the Plaguebearers arrive, Ku'Gath fails to wound with the Necrotic Spores.

Turn 4:
Me: The small Wraithguard unit arrives and does 3 wounds to Ku' Gath. The Dire Avengers kill 7 Plaguebearers by shooting. In close combat, we draw because brian made all 10 saves.
Brian: Ku'Gath uses Breath of Chaos and kills 2 Wraithguard. In close combat, the Dire Avengers are charged and kill all 3 Plaguebearers. Yriel kills 2 Plaguebearers, I lose none.

Turn 5:
Me: I run a skimmer into his objective to contest it. The wraithguard finish off Ku' Gath. Yriel and the parade kill 2. Wraithlords assault a Plaguebearer squad.
Brian: Fails to kill the wave Serpent. Yriel and the boys finish the Plaguebearers they were fighting.
Turn 6:
Me: I run another wave serpent forward to contest the objective. In close combat the Wraithlords and Wraithguard combine to kill 3 and lose 0.
Brian: Shakes one of the Serpents, removes a gun from the other. I have my objective, his is contested.

Overall, a great showing this weekend. These 4 wins bring my overall 5th edition record to 28 W / 13 L / 11 D.