My list, the Pride of Iyanden
Prince Yriel, Autarch of Iyanden, Epic Asskicker
Farseer w/Runes of Warding, Fortune
10 Dire Avengers w/Power Weapon, Shimmershield, Defend
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons
10 Dire Avengers w/Power Weapon, Shimmershield, Defend
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons
10 Wraithguard w/Warlock, Spiritseer, Enhance (The Parade)
8 Fire Dragons w/Exarch, Dragons Breath Flamer
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons
5 Wraithguard w/Warlock, Enhance
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons
Wraithlord w/Scatter Laser, Eldar Missile Launcher
Wraithlord w/Scatter Laser, Eldar Missile Launcher
Game 1: Spearhead Secure and Control (4 Counters) against the New Imperial Guard
My Opponent: Patrick Eibel, aka Sho-T Bighed
He brought
A Company Command Squad
2 Platoon Command Squads
2 Infantry squads with Heavy Bolter, Plasma Gun
2 Infantry squads with Missile launcher, Grenade Launcher
Heavy Bolter weapons team
Lascannon weapons team
2 Sentinels with Lascannons
A Devildog
A squad of 2 Leman Russess with 3 Heavy Bolters
A squad of 2 Demolishers with hull lascannons
Pat Deploys his entire force.
I deploy the parade and both Wraithlords
I then seize the initiative.
Turn 1:
Me: I fortune myself (and do so every other round so I will omit it in further rounds) I move my force up. A wraithlord fires and kills the Heavy Bolter weapons team (instant death from Str 6...). The other wraithlord bounces off of a Sentinel.
Pat: Things shuffle around a bit. One of the Sentinels wounds a Wraithlord. The Demolisher squadron whiffs. The lascannon heavy weapon team kills the wounded wraithlord. The battle cannons on the Leman Russ squad kill 2 Wraithgurd.

Turn 2:
Me: From reserves, I get everyone except one Dire Avenger squad. Everything begins to get into position to begin the assault. My wraithlord kills 2 from the Platoon Command squad.
Pat: Fires a lot of Heavy Weapons at the Wave Serpents. The Demolisher squad kills the wraithguard serpent on my "right" flank. The devildog, Lascannons, and sentinel fail to penetrate. The other Lascannon Sentinel de-guns the Dire Avengers Wave Serpent.

Turn 3:
Me: My final squad of Dire Avengers arrive from reserves. The Fire Dragons jump out and smoke both Leman Russes, losing 1 of their number to an explosion... The Wraithlord de-guns a Sentinel. The Parade de-guns the other. The wraithguard manage to shake the Demolishers.
Pat: Devil dog misses again. The Lascannon heavy weapon teams stun a Wave Serpent. The Heavy Bolters and Lasguns combine to kill 3 Fire Dragons.
The Sentinels assault the Parade. My independent characters are not in base to base, so they cannot attack. A 0-0 draw ensues.

Turn 4:
Me: The Wraithlord bounces his shots off of the Devildog. The Wraithguard again Shake a Demolisher. The Fire Dragons charge the Lascannon Teams and cause zero wounds...They take a few but stay in combat. Yriel and the farseer end the Sentinels.
Pat: The Devil dog Immobilizes a Wave Serpent. Other heavy weapons bounce off the Serpents. The Demolisher De-guns a Wave Serpent. In close combat, the Fire Dragons kill 2, lose 3 and stay in the fight.

Turn 5:
Me: The Dire Avengers jump out and kill 5 from an Infantry squad. The Wraithguard de-gun a Demolisher. The parade kill the devildog. The Wraithlord kills the officer from the command squad. The Dire Avengers jump out and charge killing a few, they win combat, everyone stays, but the officer is executed by the comissar. The wraithguard charge and de-gun the other demolisher.
Pat: The Infantry squads move towards the objective. They fire on the Dire Avengers and kill 2. In close combat, the Dire Avengers cause a wound, take none, but draw due to the banner. The die of destiny is rolled and the game continues.

Turn 6:
Me: I move most everything on objectives. The Wraithlord moves up and double flamers an Infantry squad to death. The Dire Avengers shoot and kill the lone comissar. In close combat, the Dire Avengers lose 2, but wipe out all other opposition. The Wraithguard and Warlock combine to destroy a Demolisher.
Pat: The Infantry squad kills a Dire Avenger. An Infantry squad assaults the 4 Dire Avengers parked on the objective. The Dire Avengers cause a wound, and lose 3. The lone member of the Dire Avenger squad passes his morale test.

The die of destiny is rolled and the game ends. We examine the objectives. The objective in my board quarter is empty. The one in the left board quarter is controlled by the parade. The objective in the right board quarter is contested by a lone Dire Avenger. The objective in Pat's board quarter has a Wave Serpent parked on it. The game ends 1-0 in favor of the Iyanden.
The difference between a win and a draw was a single Dire Avenger.

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