Monday, July 7, 2008

Escalation League

My gaming club is doing an Escalation League.
Basically, we start at 500 points, play a bunch of games and then increase the point totals by either 250 or 500 as we see fit.

The games will be played using 5th edition. Knowing that, I thought about what race I would like to play. At 500 points, things are quite different because few armies will be able to field anything except the compulsory 1 HQ and 2 Troops. Knowing this, I looked for an army that could include a good bit for under 500. My only real choices were Sisters and Guard. I was a bit cautious about playing my guard because I have so many of them and the league also judges on painting. (there was no way I could Paint all 160+ figures of my guard) With that, I chose the Sisters of Battle.

Now to look at the 500 point list.

I need an HQ, easy, Canoness with Eviscerator and Book of St. Lucius, that way it is unlikely I will break.

For my two compulsory Troops, I have a choice between Sisters and Stormtroopers. Stormtroopers, while 1 point cheaper, are nothing compared to a Battle Sister. Usually, I take a flamer and a heavy flamer and mount the ladies up in a transport. I certainly do not have the points for that, and with the advent of the "Run" rule, I do not need to mount them to make them swift-moving. I opted for 2 10-man (well, woman) Sisters squads with a Veteran and 2 Stormbolters each, for that mobile firepower if I need it.

This left me with a few points left over. I decided that I needed some mobile, heavy hitting power. I opted to flesh the list out with 5 dominions with 2 flamers in a Rhino.

With this, I can move up semi-fast and will have at least a little firepower as I move forward (towards objectives). There is, however, a lack of heavy weapons and Close Combat ability, but that is to be expected of everyone in a 500 point list.

More to come.


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