Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Building a Tournament List (Part 2)

Now that we know what we need to accomplish, lets take a look at the Witch Hunters Army List.

The most important aspect is scoring units, lets review the options available for TROOPS.
We have 2 choices Inquisitorial Storm Troopers or Sisters of Battle. Now, the choice for this is painfully obvious, if it is not obvious I will spell it out; Sisters of Battle are leaps and bounds better than Storm Troopers. Feel free to argue that with me, but be warned, my retort will be an open hand slap to your mouth, for preaching such heresy.
Throw the ladies in Rhinos to get mobility (this helps against gunline and Lash lists) plus it gives me free "Wallspace" to block assault routes from Orks/Nids.
I give each squad at least 1 template weapon and I give 2 squads meltaguns to assist in mobile tank hunting (Good against mechanized Lists)

Now lets look at HQ's. We have 3 choices, Canoness and two others, it is clear what I favor. The canoness is pretty cheap at 45 points base and gives me 2 faith points. Take two...every time.
As far as equipment goes, some fun things are Blessed Weapons, Jump Packs, Books of St. Lucius (2nd best 5 point peice of wargear next to the Tau disruption pod), eviscerators, and cloaks of St. Aspira.

Heavy Support:
Tons of choices, the best two are Retributors and Exorcists. The Exorcist is awesome at blowing up vehicles (12 or lower are easiest) and fills the role of smoking nob bikers and other hard-infantry.
Retributors with Heavy Bolters are also an excellent choice. They fulfill the role of infantry control.

Now onto Elites.
We have a slew of options here. Assassins, Celestians, Retributors, Inquisitors, yada yada.
I am not a huge fan of anything other than Celestians, nut right now, there is no role that they fill that can't be filled by one of my scoring or heavy units.

Fast! Seraphim and Dominions are the stand outs here. I went for seraphim because they have been good for me for years. Dominions are neat, but like Celestians, there is no role they fill that something else doesn't alreay do.

Next up, The List!!


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