Now for some more Battle Reports of the Guard in action!!
Game 1: Me versus the squid.

He brings the White Scars terror, we play capture the draw, I give him first turn.
Turn 1: Squid moves his bikes forward and bolters a guard squad to death.
Me: The demolisher shot scatters 11-BS inches. The rest of my army opens up and kills a 5-man bike squad and 2 bikes from an 8 man squad.

Turn 2: All of Squids reserves arrive. The Land Speeders drop in and shred my demolisher. The melta bike squad shoots, assaults, and wipes a squad. The command squad wipes out the mortars and the center squad wipes a 10 man missile squad. I am losing a lot of guard.
Me:My reserves arrive and outflank, I kill 4 out of 5 bikes in one squad and 5 out of 8 in another with sweet las/plas fire. My command squad assaults and loses 2 guys while causing no wounds...

Turn 3: The lone biker (number 1 of 5) happens to have a flamer and roasts a command squad. The other side bike squad kills 3 from an outflank unit.
Me: 25 guard fire, 1 bike dies. 3 Heavy Bolters and 6 Krak missiles manage to kill 1 of 3 speeders... Crap.

Turn 4: The bikes on the flank kill 1,2 and 1 guardsmen from3 separate squads. Command squad bikes kill a mortar squad.
Me: My flanking squads finally finish off the bike squad. In a protracted close combat, my command squad dies.
Turn 5: Korsarro Khan splits from his command squad, they each slaughter a missile launcher squad.
Me: I finally kill the flanking attack bike.

Turn 6: Squid moves his speeders to contest his objective from my flankers.
Me: I attempt to cause a casualty but am unsuccessful.
The game ends in a zero-zero draw.
Game 2: Me versus the PJ Deathwing Circus. The mission is Annihilation...CRAP.
*The pictures for this one are semi-random...sorry.
I go first.
Turn 1: I begin by firing some krak missiles at the predator and remove its twin lascannons.
PJ: his pred kills 1 guy from my infiltrating missile squad. 3 terminator squads(+belial) deepstrike and run to spread out.
Turn 2: None of my reserves arrive. The Demolisher kills one terminator, plasma guns kill 2 and a lasgun claims another. One terminator is down to 1 model, the other 2 are unharmed.
PJ: No reserves His terminators kill 3 from the twin plasma command squad, they break.
Turn 3: My outflanking reserves arrive. The lone plasma gunner kills the lone terminator. The rest of my force combines to destroy an entire other terminator squad and do 2 wounds to belial (the medic was tough to get through)
PJ: His other 2 terminator squads arrive, bu one goes back out due to bad scatter. he one wipes out the lone Missle squad.
Belial charges and kills 3 guard, they stay.
Turn 4: The demolisher scatters 10-BS inches. (I wrote some form of profanity in my notebook) The entire rest of my shooting (6 Frags, 7 mortars, and 3 heavy bolters kills 1 terminator. He must have made 20 saves...
Some of my guys decide to assault Belial...They beat his punk ass down.

Here is another random photo..

PJ (still turn 4) the other termies re-arrive and kill the flamer squad.
Turn 5: The demolisher kills 2 termies from the front of my building. The Lone command squad plasma gunner overheats and kills himself. (This turns out to be a decisive kill point) The rest of my army combines to kill 4 terminators out of the 5 man deep striking squad.
PJ: The terminators to my front advance and kill 2 from a guard squad. The lone terminator charges into close combat. He kills 1 and I stay.

Turn 6: The demolisher kills one and 2 other squads charge into Close combat with the terminator. No wounds from Close Combat (but like 12 saves made)
PJ:Knowing he is in the lead, PJ runs. fearing another turn.

There is no turn 7. But here is a picture of the lone terminator surviving the guard assault.

I want to stress that out of the 26 terminators, PJ had 7. I had 3 kill points. PJ killed 3 units for 4 kill points as my officers count separately. A tough loss for the guard.
Now for the Batrep you have been waiting for. Me versus the MANRIC. We are currently 1-1 all time. He has something like 150 orks.
The mission is loot counters. Dawn of war. Crap!
Turn 1:everything of mine that wasnt on the board walks on. My firepower kills 11 orks.
MANRIC: Everything moves on and/or runs forward.

Turn 2: My reserves arrive and outflank, in my haste I forget to move the rest of my force. My shooting kills the entire right mob except for the nob. My shooting on the left takes the squad to 18 orks.
MANRIC: Blows his Waagh. The left squad easily makes the assault. The nob assaults the stationary demolisher and destroys it with a power claw. The left mob assaults 2 units, I kill 1 ork, but lose 14 models and the assault.
Turn 3: I kill the lone Nob. I kill 14 from the back right mob. I reduce the left mob to 7 orks and they break. Never to return.
Eric: everything living moves forward and runs. The orks on the hill assault my command squad easily killing it.
Turn 4: I do some terrible shooting. I take the right squad down to 10 and the middle right squad down to 17.

MANRIC: (still turn 4) The far right squad chares the flamer unit and kills them, the right squad runs into a unit of 10 orks, killing them as well.
Turn 5: I manage to kill the entire middle right squad and take the far right squad down to 2 models.
MANRIC: the 2 member ork squad gets to the objective. The far left squad assaults a missile launcher squad and a command squad, killing them as well.
Turn 6: I kill the two orks by one of the objectives. I wipe out the big ork unit. Of the 154 orks, only the Nobs unit is left.
MANRIC: Spreads his lone nobs unit over 2 objectives. The game ends in a draw.

A rough 0-1-2 W-L-D weekend for the guard.
Game 1: Me versus the squid.

He brings the White Scars terror, we play capture the draw, I give him first turn.
Turn 1: Squid moves his bikes forward and bolters a guard squad to death.
Me: The demolisher shot scatters 11-BS inches. The rest of my army opens up and kills a 5-man bike squad and 2 bikes from an 8 man squad.

Turn 2: All of Squids reserves arrive. The Land Speeders drop in and shred my demolisher. The melta bike squad shoots, assaults, and wipes a squad. The command squad wipes out the mortars and the center squad wipes a 10 man missile squad. I am losing a lot of guard.
Me:My reserves arrive and outflank, I kill 4 out of 5 bikes in one squad and 5 out of 8 in another with sweet las/plas fire. My command squad assaults and loses 2 guys while causing no wounds...

Turn 3: The lone biker (number 1 of 5) happens to have a flamer and roasts a command squad. The other side bike squad kills 3 from an outflank unit.
Me: 25 guard fire, 1 bike dies. 3 Heavy Bolters and 6 Krak missiles manage to kill 1 of 3 speeders... Crap.

Turn 4: The bikes on the flank kill 1,2 and 1 guardsmen from3 separate squads. Command squad bikes kill a mortar squad.
Me: My flanking squads finally finish off the bike squad. In a protracted close combat, my command squad dies.
Turn 5: Korsarro Khan splits from his command squad, they each slaughter a missile launcher squad.
Me: I finally kill the flanking attack bike.

Turn 6: Squid moves his speeders to contest his objective from my flankers.
Me: I attempt to cause a casualty but am unsuccessful.
The game ends in a zero-zero draw.
Game 2: Me versus the PJ Deathwing Circus. The mission is Annihilation...CRAP.
*The pictures for this one are semi-random...sorry.
I go first.
Turn 1: I begin by firing some krak missiles at the predator and remove its twin lascannons.
PJ: his pred kills 1 guy from my infiltrating missile squad. 3 terminator squads(+belial) deepstrike and run to spread out.
Turn 2: None of my reserves arrive. The Demolisher kills one terminator, plasma guns kill 2 and a lasgun claims another. One terminator is down to 1 model, the other 2 are unharmed.
PJ: No reserves His terminators kill 3 from the twin plasma command squad, they break.
Turn 3: My outflanking reserves arrive. The lone plasma gunner kills the lone terminator. The rest of my force combines to destroy an entire other terminator squad and do 2 wounds to belial (the medic was tough to get through)
PJ: His other 2 terminator squads arrive, bu one goes back out due to bad scatter. he one wipes out the lone Missle squad.
Belial charges and kills 3 guard, they stay.
Turn 4: The demolisher scatters 10-BS inches. (I wrote some form of profanity in my notebook) The entire rest of my shooting (6 Frags, 7 mortars, and 3 heavy bolters kills 1 terminator. He must have made 20 saves...
Some of my guys decide to assault Belial...They beat his punk ass down.

Here is another random photo..

PJ (still turn 4) the other termies re-arrive and kill the flamer squad.
Turn 5: The demolisher kills 2 termies from the front of my building. The Lone command squad plasma gunner overheats and kills himself. (This turns out to be a decisive kill point) The rest of my army combines to kill 4 terminators out of the 5 man deep striking squad.
PJ: The terminators to my front advance and kill 2 from a guard squad. The lone terminator charges into close combat. He kills 1 and I stay.

Turn 6: The demolisher kills one and 2 other squads charge into Close combat with the terminator. No wounds from Close Combat (but like 12 saves made)
PJ:Knowing he is in the lead, PJ runs. fearing another turn.

There is no turn 7. But here is a picture of the lone terminator surviving the guard assault.

I want to stress that out of the 26 terminators, PJ had 7. I had 3 kill points. PJ killed 3 units for 4 kill points as my officers count separately. A tough loss for the guard.
Now for the Batrep you have been waiting for. Me versus the MANRIC. We are currently 1-1 all time. He has something like 150 orks.
The mission is loot counters. Dawn of war. Crap!
Turn 1:everything of mine that wasnt on the board walks on. My firepower kills 11 orks.
MANRIC: Everything moves on and/or runs forward.

Turn 2: My reserves arrive and outflank, in my haste I forget to move the rest of my force. My shooting kills the entire right mob except for the nob. My shooting on the left takes the squad to 18 orks.
MANRIC: Blows his Waagh. The left squad easily makes the assault. The nob assaults the stationary demolisher and destroys it with a power claw. The left mob assaults 2 units, I kill 1 ork, but lose 14 models and the assault.
Turn 3: I kill the lone Nob. I kill 14 from the back right mob. I reduce the left mob to 7 orks and they break. Never to return.
Eric: everything living moves forward and runs. The orks on the hill assault my command squad easily killing it.
Turn 4: I do some terrible shooting. I take the right squad down to 10 and the middle right squad down to 17.

MANRIC: (still turn 4) The far right squad chares the flamer unit and kills them, the right squad runs into a unit of 10 orks, killing them as well.
Turn 5: I manage to kill the entire middle right squad and take the far right squad down to 2 models.
MANRIC: the 2 member ork squad gets to the objective. The far left squad assaults a missile launcher squad and a command squad, killing them as well.
Turn 6: I kill the two orks by one of the objectives. I wipe out the big ork unit. Of the 154 orks, only the Nobs unit is left.
MANRIC: Spreads his lone nobs unit over 2 objectives. The game ends in a draw.

A rough 0-1-2 W-L-D weekend for the guard.
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