Sunday, February 22, 2009

The return of the Iyanden.

This past weekend, I broke the Iyanden out of their semi-primed/semi-painted status for 3 games.

This is how I rolled.

Prince Yriel, Autarch of Iyanden (Slayer of Marneus Calgar, and Kayvaan Shrike)
Farseer, Runes of Warding, Fortune

10 Wraithguard w/Spiritseer w/Enhance
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch w/Power Weapon, Shimmershield, Defend
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch w/Power Weapon, Shimmershield, Defend
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons

8 Fire Dragons w/Exarch w/Dragons Breath Flamer
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons
5 Wraithguard w/Warlock w/Enhance
Wave Serpent w/Twin Shuriken Cannons

Wraithlord w/Scatter Laser, Missile Launcher
Wraithlord w/Scatter Laser, Missile Launcher

2000 on the nose.

So I played 3 games (All against Space Marines)

First player had Shrike and some marines and a lot of allied inquisitorial Stormtroopers
He also had a very large Inquisitorial Retinue with his Inquisitor Lord (3 plasma guns, 3 plasma pistols)
I chose to not deploy anything.
Basically, I was able to outshoot him when necessary (blowing up a Chimera wiped out the Inquisitorial retinue, yeah, the entire thing) The inquisitor lord was then assaulted by Yriel and Perished. Yriel also killed Shrike (who infiltrated 8 inches away from my board edge).
My Dire Avengers never left their rides...

Second was Space Wolves! 2 Rhinos and a land Raider full of Dudes. Some terminators, some Long Fangs and the uber-outflanking scouts.

Unfortunately for my opponent, teh squads that first assaulted did not have powerfists, so they were not able to kill Wraithguard effectively, Despite this, he managed to kill ALL 15 Wraithguard. Nice work. Unfortunately, it was too little too late. I had destroyed most everything else with minimal Casualties (aside from the Wraithguard, which I lamented in song)

Third game was from a lad with no idea how many points he had (he estimated 1300, but had well over 2000) So we made a list.
3 tacticals, Marneus Calgar, a Chaplain, a 10 man assault squad, a 10 man scout squad, a 5 man terminator squad, 2 dreadnoughts, and 2 5-man devastators. His deployment was pretty awful (spread out along his entire edge) he basically ran every unit forward (literally) I was able to envelop him and pick apart units piecemeal. P.S. After Calgar beat down 10 Wraithguard and Yriel Beat down 10 Space marines, they met in combat... Yriel tooled his ass. ("God of War" my wraithbone toilet...)

3-0 so far...

So, I am going to try to get those kids painted over the next couple of weeks


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