Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thoughts on the Leaked Guard Sheet

So, took a look at the leaked Imperial Guard sheet.
A few things that stand out...
The "Chemical Cannon"
Str:1 AP:3 Template Poison(2+)
So, a flamer that wounds on a 2+ at AP3...wouch. Let us see what kind of tank it is mounted on first...
So, Stormtroopers get a S:3 AP:3 18" Rapid Fire Hellgun, that's cute. (Kiss your sisters/Scorpions/Warp Spiders/Incubi goodbye)
To be honest, I hate stormtroopers, they are a waste of space. I will be selling mine. AP:3? who needs it, not me.

Executioner Plasma Cannon S:7 AP:2 Heavy 3, Blast <-- Fuck me! Still wont kill Storm Shield Termies though...

I will admit that I am shocked to see so much anti-power armor wargear in codices as of late. The AP:3 flamers and boltguns for marines, AP:3 boltgun on ksons, AP:3 Doombolt, etc...

I think GW may be trying to push players off of playing Space Marines. (as they are incredibly prevalent in most gaming environments) I am strangely for this, I like versatility in my opponents. I can't count how many 3 round tournaments I have been to where I have played against 3 Space Marine opponents. *grumble* It is not like I hate playing against marines (I play BA myself) but I hate playing against only space marines. I would feel the same way if I only played against tyranids, for example.


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