Thursday, August 11, 2011

Welcome Trolls!

I am slated to play Stelek in the Whiskey Challenge at NOVA this year.
Please, unleash your trolling here.



The Fabulous Orcboy said...

He's a loser dweeb with internet lists that internet list the internet list. And a loser. With internet lists. And zombie loser dweeb followers that worship him like the internet list loser dweeb he is. And did I mention his internet lists?

Tim said...

Good luck!
Ha you know what? the capcha word is scrums for this comment.

So good luck, Scrums! I don't really think the guy is that much of a pleasure to play but if you're interested in a challenge, Stelek should test both the limits of your tactics and your manners! ha!

Gramps said...

Good luck!

What army are you taking into the 40k event?