Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pics of the Imperial Guard

Someone asked about pictures of my army.
Here I present "The Defenders of Miler Voles".

Also, for those of you who commented on it taking me 5 hours to basecoat 5 models, this is why.
(the pic is blurry but you get the point)


Went to GW...

On my way home from work yesterday, I stopped by my local Games Workshop store to pick up some wildly expensive Sisters models.

For anyone who does not know (I didn't), Sisters of Battle are a "Direct Only" army. I was also informed that the Heavy Bolter Retributors are on back order. Cool.

The staff took the opportunity to inform me of an upcoming 40k tournament (pretty cool, I like 40k tournaments).

Whoa, 2750 points? Are the rounds 3.5 hours long? I commented that 2750 seemed like a high number of points, the staff responded, "oh just add a few tanks." Sorry guys, I claim to be good at this game. At 2750, you can clog the field with deathstar Infantry units. Then it was implied that "Comp" would be used as a factor in determining the victor. 2750 with comp? Pass. Well, I pass at "comp" tournaments in general.

Then I learned that they were out of Black Primer. What the fuck?

So, it looks like Sisters will be unavailable to me in the near future (and with the prices, probably until a new dex').

So I went home and started to convert a Marbo model.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Battle for Salvation

Battle for Salvation (BFS) is less than two weeks away. The deadline for list submission is October 4th.

At Blobs Park, I told some folks that I would be bringing the Footdar to BFS. I woke up the following day and got to work painting the Footdar. I base coated 5 Storm Guardians in roughly 8 hours.

Here is what I have left.
5 more Storm Guardians
22 Regular Guardians
One Scatter Laser
6 D-Cannons
8 Harlequins
5 Rangers
Forgeworld Avatar

It takes about 1.5 hours to do a Guardian. The D-Cannons, Avatar, and Eldrad will take longer, naturally. Assuming 1.5 hours per model (a conservative estimate, see above) I am looking at 74 hours of prep time. I do not have that much time.

Andrew, Nick, Mike, Dameon, et al; I am sorry, I can't bring Footdar to BFS.

I am still reluctant to play my Guard, so I turn to GW's newest Codex, Sisters of Battle.

This is what I came up with

Uriah Jacobus
10 Sisters w/2 Flamers, Combi-Plasma
10 Sisters w/2 Flamers, Combi-Plasma
10 Sisters w/2 Flamers, Combi-Plasma
13 Sisters w/Meltagun, Storm Bolter, Power Weapon
Ecclesiarchy Priest w/Eviscerator
5 Celestians w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Celestians w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Dominions w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Dominions w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Retributors w/4 Heavy Bolters
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Retributors w/4 Heavy Bolters
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Retributors w/4 Heavy Bolters


So, I looked at my collection. I am a couple of models short. GW wants $14 for a Retributor w/Heavy Bolter? $12 for a superior (that I need to do the Combi-Plasma conversaions)?
$10 for a Meltagun? Damn this army is expensive. I will also need to convert all of my Immolators to have twin Multi-Melta instead of the now useless Twin-Heavy Flamer.

I need to obtain, build, and paint 2 retributor squads. I need to obtain, build/convert, and paint 3 superiors with Combi-Plasma (or Melta). I need to paint Uriah, a Priest, a Meltagunner, a sister Superior, and an Immolator. I need to convert 5 more Immolators.

Not out of the realm of possibility. Accomplishing this will hinge on a trip I make to GW today. If they have all of the models I need, I will try my best to get this done.

BUT, what if they are a little short of stock?

My fallback is Guard. I have wanted to change my Guard up since NOVA, but have not had the time since I have been focusing on the Footdar.
I plan to drop the following from my list:
-20 Conscripts
-Special Weapons Team w/3 Meltaguns
-Officer of the Fleet

In return I will add:
-Infantry Squad w/Flamer, Plasma Pistol (or Meltagun, Meltabombs)
-Infantry Squad w/Flamer, Plasma Pistol (or Meltagun, Meltabombs)
-A Meltagun to my Command Squad
-Guardsman Marbo

The Infantry Squads replace the Conscripts and take their role of a Bubblewrap unit when needed, or they can come on from reserves to grab objectives in my backfield.
Marbo causes havoc wherever he treads. The Meltagun addition is because I always seem to need one in the command squad.

We will see how the trip to GW unfolds.


Battle at Blobs Park

This past weekend I attended the "Battle at Blobs Park", a 2000 point Warhammer 40,000 tournament.
Blobs park is a German Biergarden (Beer Garden). The tournament was in a pavilion, and unlike last year, was held in September, not early (HOT) summer.

I took the exact same list that I had taken to NOVA. Imperial Guard.

I played 4 games going 3-1. I am not going to do battle reports from this, nor am I going to post lists (a couple I do not even have).

First game I faced a similar Guard army in "Capture and Control", something neither of s were going to win. My opponent and I seemed to be playing for a Draw since neither of us really moved up on the other. At the end of 6 turns, we drew.
We then found out that Draws are not possible, and VP's was the tiebreaker. I was a little annoyed that this was not in the mission packet, but oh well. I lost on VP's by a pretty comfortable margin.

I then faced Orks in a Spearhead Kill Points mission. My opponent Mike Hoffman was a cool guy, but knew the game was likely over before deployment. We traded firepower and I killed all of his light vehicles and a bunch of orks putting me up on Kill Points.

Round 3, I faced the ringer! I believe his name was Duncan(?), he had a pretty generic Space Wolves list. Long Fangs, Wolf Scouts, Grey Hunters, and two Rune Priests. The mission was a Dawn of War, 5 Objective Seize Ground. Long story short, he won the roll-off and chose to go first. At the top of turn 6, he had three objectives to my two. During my movement phase, I contested his three and the game ended.

In the Final round, I played against a local guy playing Chaos Space Marines in a Pitched Battle, board quarters. (A stupid mission in 5th, IMO) His army was not outfitted for 5th edition or tournament play. He became frustrated with his inability to decimate me with only one real anti-tank unit. He mentioned that he had not really played since 3rd edition; he became more frustrated when he learned of 5th edition rules, specifically the rules for assault. He conceded Turn 5, after I had decimated most of his Army.

Blobs was a great time because of the Food, Beer, and meeting up with local and not-so-local 40k players. The missions were crap in my opinion. The tournament billed itself as a "NOVA Format", but yet it used Battle Points. It was possible to lose a round and yet get more battle points than your opponent. I hate this format.

For the second year in a row, a guy went 4-0 and got nothing. Meanwhile a 3-1 guy won best overall. (Not that either are upset about it, nor am I)

It is funny to note that last year I went first in all of my games, this year I went second in all of my games. The one round where I won the roll-off, my opponent seized the initiative.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

NOVA Open (Sunday)

Day 2 of the 40k GT. Since I was 4-0 in day 1, I am seeded in the Top 16 Bracket. All of my opponents will be excellent players.

Round 5: Pitched Battle, Table Quarters, Kill Points, Objectives
Dawson Hindrelet, Space Wolves

Wolf Lord w/Thunderwolf Mount, Runic Armor, Wolf Claw, Stormshield
Wolf Lord w/Thunderwolf Mount, Runic Armor, Frostblade, Stormshield
Wolf Lord w/Thunderwolf Mount, Runic Armor, Thunderhammer, Stormshield
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Drop Pod
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Drop Pod
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Drop Pod
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
2 Thunderwolf Cavalry w/2 Stormshields, Powerfist
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers

I deployed in my usual off-center formation (refused flank in one corner). Dawson deployed first. I then managed to seize the initiative. He podded in the dreadnoughts who performed awfully and failed to destroy anything with Multi-melta shots. I was able to pound the 5 thunderwolves with Manticore fire before they split up. Since there were no sagas on any of the lords, they were easy decision targets for S10 fire. I "Instant Killed" both Thunderwolf Cavalry (with Manticores) and two of the three wolf lords (Both with Demolisher shots). Lascannon/meltagun/multi-laser fire accounted for the third one. In the interim, I had been opening up into the Long Fangs with Multi-Laser/Heavy Bolter/autocannon fire and whittled them down a bit. I mostly ignored the razorbacks (who chilled in his backfield) until everything else was taken care of.
I won 3 quarters to 1.

Round 6: Dawn of War, Kill Points, Objectives, Table Quarters
Tony Kopach, Space Wolves (When I saw this matchup, I thought "Well, shit")

Njal Stormcaller, Lord of Tempests
6 Wolf Guard w/6 Combi-Meltas, 6 Powerfists (distributed 2 to the scouts, 4 to big Grey Hunter squads)
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
5 Grey Hunters w/Flamer
Razorback w/Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Grey Hunters w/Flamer
Razorback w/Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers

I have played Tony a couple times before. Since we are friends and know each other, this game was fun and talkative. Tony won the roll off and deployed Njal+GH Squad+Rhino in the center of the board. I seized the initiative on Tony. I moved everything on and got LoS to Njal's Rhino, 6 Twin-linked lascannons was stunned. the turning point in this game was turn 2 when one of tony's wolf scout squads arrived and multi-charged a Chimera and my Bubblewrap Conscripts. Somehow, the conscripts passed their break test (on a 4) so I would have to spend a significant effort to remove the Wold Scouts.
Whilst that was happening, I just could not kill Rhinos. My first kill point of the game came in turn 4, when I wiped out the Scout Squad. Next turn Tony completed the tabling by Njal Force-Weaponing my Commander...Ouch. The game ended 22-2. I have some idea what I did wrong, I think I need to start ignoring Wolf Scouts when I play. They were definitely the deciding factor.

Round 7: Pitched Battle, Objectives, Kill Points, Table Quarters
Brad "Hulksmash" Townsend, Space Wolves (Loganwing)

Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf
Lone Wolf w/Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield
Lone Wolf w/Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield
5 Wolf Scouts w/2 Powerweapons, Meltagun
10 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-1 w/Powerweapon
-1 regular
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Wolf Claw
-4 w/Terminator Armor, Combi-Plasma, Wolf Claw
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chainfist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-4 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-4 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-4 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-3 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Power Armor
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers

So , lots of missiles, 24 shots, I believe. I didn't even try to kill the 10-man Logan Squad. Brad had no problem killing my vehicles, I had lots of trouble killing terminators, I think I only killed one 5-man squad (leaving others with just a terminator.) The Wolf Scouts and Lone Wolves gave me problems. At the end of Brads turn 6, he had 2 objectives and I had one. I moved a Chimera to contest one and gave my officer the "move, move, move!"order to get in contesting range of the other. I knew if the game went to 7, I would lose. This game came down to a single d6 roll. on a 1-3 Brad would lose, on a 4-6 Brad would win.
When the dice fell, we were both super nervous, Brad rolled a 5. and claimed victory.
Great game, even though he had me for the majority of it.

Round 8: Spearhead, Table Quarters, Objectives, Kill Points
Adam Tricola, Dark Eldar "Kabal of the Awesomesauce"

Baron Sathonyx
7 Incubi
Raider w/Grisly Trophies, Flickerfield
3 Wracks
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
5 Kabalite Warriors w/Blaster
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
5 Kabalite Warriors w/Blaster
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
5 Kabalite Warriors w/Blaster
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
18 Hellions w/Helliarch, Agoniser
6 Reavers w/2 Heat Lances
6 Reavers w/2 Heat Lances
6 Reavers w/2 Heat Lances
Ravager w/3 Dark Lances, Flickerfield
Ravager w/3 Dark Lances, Flickerfield
Ravager w/3 Dark Lances, Flickerfield

So, Adam and I deployed opposite each other and he came at me. We both had trouble destroying the others vehicles. Until about turn 3, when I was able to kill a good bit of them plus all the Reavers that were up in my face. The Baron and the Hellion squad came on my left and harassed my 3 Infantry Squad in Chimeras (as well as the conscripts later). Since we both had a lot to move, we only got through Turn 4. Not that either of us were slow, we just had lots to do. At the end, we were tied on all mission objectives but I was over by Victory Points.
For those of you keeping track, Adam was my first opponent whose army was not a Space Marine variant. Bravo Adam!

So, at the end of the tournament, I finished 6-2. Pretty awesome by my account.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

NOVA Open (Saturday)

Day 1 of the 40k GT.

Round 1: Pitched Battle, Objectives, Kill Points, Table Quarters.
Cory Morris, Space Marines

Pedro Kantor (using Pedros rules)
6 Assault Terminators w/6 Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield
Land Raider Crusader
7 Sternguard w/Combi-Melta, Power Fist
7 Sternguard w/Combi-Melta, Power Fist
10 Tactical Marines w/Meltagun, Missile Launcher, Powerfist
10 Tactical Marines w/Flamer, Lascannon, Powerfist
Predator w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Predator w/Lascannon Sponsons

I opened the game by immobilizing the Land Raider Crusader. My scouting Melta-Valkyrie unit destroyed the lascannon Predator early. In effect, I removed a significant portion of his firepower and his assault ability. Cory kept the terminators inside the crusader for about 3 turns too long. (they should have disembarked and pressured me immediately)

Since I did not have to deal with the terminators right away, I was able to remove 3 of 4 of Corey's scoring units. I then easily took the objectives (even with pedro, lysander, et al in my backfield)

Round 2: Spearhead, Table Quarters, Objectives, Kill Points.
Blaine Toups, Space Wolves (Iron Warriors "counts as")

Rune Priest w/Jaws of the World Wolf, Stormcaller
Rune Priest w/Boltgun, Jaws of the World Wolf, Living Lightning
10 Wolf Guard (broken down as follows)
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter, Power Fist
-1 w/Terminator Armor, Combi-Flamer, Power Weapon
-1 w/ Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter, Power Weapon
-1 w/Combi-Melta, Powerfist
-2 w/Combi-melta, Bolt Pistol
-1 w/Combi-Plasma, Bolt Pistol
Dreadnought w/2 Twin-Linked Autocannons
Dreadnought w/2 Twin-Linked Autocannons
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Power Weapon, Wolf Standard
5 Grey Hunters w/Plasma Gun
Razorback w/Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
Land Speeder w/Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
Land Speeder w/Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
6 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers, Lascannon
Predator w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Predator w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons

So, on paper, Blaine's army looks pretty terrifying in the firepower department. We set up across from each other looking to start a firepower duel. I went first, and spent two turns blowing him off the table and crippling his firepower (via suppression mostly). The game was pretty close until about turn 4 when I got some key rolls and managed to destroy some very high value units in Blaine's deployment zone. I won by 3 quarters to 1.

Round 3: Dawn of War, Kill Points, Table Quarters, Objectives.
Charles "Chuck" Pierce, Blood Angels, "Razorspam"

Librarian w/Shield of Sanguinius, The Sanguine Sword
2 Sanguinary Priests
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
Land Speeder w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Land Speeder w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
2 Land Speeders w/2 Typhoon Missile Launchers
5 Devastators w/4 Missile Launchers
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Devastators w/4 Missile Launchers
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Devastators w/4 Missile Launchers

Well, holy shit firepower. So, I went first. Long story short, Chuck had a ton of kill points and so did I. My Manticores and Vendettas killed off the Lascannon Razors , and since they were close to the Devastators, I could always hit a few with the barrages. BA Devs, without sergeant need a pin test on Ld 7 when they take a Manticore casualty. It was very effective. My Multi-Lasers, Heavy Bolters, and Autocannons obliterated the lithe speeders that came my way.

This game was not close. I got almost 10 KP's off of vehicles alone. Once Chucks Infantry was disembarked in his deployment zone, the game was effectively over. I do not recall what the final tally was, but it was a little lopsided.

Round 4: Spearhead, Objectives, Table Quarters, Kill Points.
Craig Barnes, Space Wolves, "Loganwing"

Logan Grimnar
Njal Stormcaller
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta
10 Wolf Guard (All in Terminator Armor, broken down as follows)
-1 w/Powerfist, Powerfist
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw, Cyclone Missile Launcher
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Power Weapon, Cyclone Missile Launcher
-1 w/Wolf Claw, Wolf Claw
-2 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter
-2 w/Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw
-1 w/Storm Shield, Wolf Claw
5 Wolf Guard (All in Terminator Armor, broken down as follows)
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw, Cyclone Missile Launcher
-1 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-2 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw
5 Wolf Guard (All in Terminator Armor, broken down as follows)
-1 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter, Cyclone Missile Launcer
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-1 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Powerfist
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw
6 Long Fangs w/5 Missile Launchers
6 Long Fangs w/5 Missile Launchers

Craig deployed first, 5 man squads near the forward edges of his zone, covered by dreadnoughts, big squad w/Njal and Logan near the rear.
So, I deployed in a spearhead, giving all but my demolisher cover (I was not too worried about front Multi-Melta or Missile Hits) I reserved both meltavet squads, my conscripts, platoon command, and special weapons team.

Craig only had 3 scoring units, so I focused on killing the two 5-man squads. Easier said than done as Craig made a TON of saves. He did make a mistake, detaching Njal from the big terminator squad in a ruin near my board edge (so he could get LoS to the Manticores)
My Meltavets rolled on and smoked him.

At the end of 5 turns, I had one terminator squad down to just the cyclone (on the objective on his side of the table near my deployment zone and the other 5-man squad down to two people on the center objective. Logan and Friends held the objective near by board edge. (I assaulted them off of one as they were spread across both.) I moved my conscripts to claim the objective in my deployment zone, moved a Chimera to contest the one held by logan and friends, moved my company command to contest the one held by the lone terminator and moved an infantry squad to contest the center. Sadly, the game went to turn 6...

Logans squad wiped the Chimera. The lone terminator smoked the command squad.
The two terminators charged my Infantry Squad. The Infantry killed a terminator before it could strike (no grenades) the survivor only did one wound, which I put on the autocannon, Drawn combat!
The 15 minute time was called, meaning I would have my turn, then the game would end.

The lone terminator that had killed the command squad was on top of the ruin and now visible to my immobilized, one weapon left each, vendettas. Two twin-linked lascannons gunned him down. I had been slowly march-stringing my conscripts closer to that objective. a great run roll (5) put me well within 3 inches of the objective. Now it is 2-1 me with a two scoring units fighting on the center.
The terminator swung and killed a guardsman. I retaliate, doing only one wound, and the terminator fails his save. Victory for the Infantry Squad, they claim the third objective giving me a 3-1 win.
This game was an incredible game, mostly because it was so close for so long.

Summary: At the end of day 1, I am 4-0. This qualifies me as one of 16 "Tournament Aces" and puts me in the top bracket (Top 16) of Day 2. The competition tomorrow will be fierce to say the least.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

NOVA Open (Friday)

At the NOVA Open on Friday I was a "referee" for the NOVA invitational.
This was a damn long day. 5 rounds in a day is very draining.
I can only imagine how tiring it was for the actual players of the event.
After it was all over, Nick Nanavati ("Yermom") of was victorious, winning the $1000.00 Invitational prize.
After that, I went to my hotel room and passed out.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

NOVA Open (Thursday)

Thursday night I played in the Whiskey Challenge match against Andrew E. Sutton.
I had thought about taking Footdar (Foot Eldar) to this match. Then, I thought to myself what I would accomplish bringing Footdar. Answer? Nothing. I would likely lose, as they are not that great of an army; I could blame a loss on "playing footdar". I decided to challenge myself and bring my NOVA Open list. Here it is:

Command Platoon w/3 Plasma Guns, Astropath, Officer of the Fleet
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Platoon Command w/3 Flamers
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Special Weapons Squad w/3 Meltaguns
20 Conscripts
Valkyrie w/Multiple Rocket Pods
Leman Russ Demolisher w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Manticore w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Manticore w/Hull Heavy Flamer

Andrew E. Sutton's list:
(Wait, isn't that Stelek from Well, no. While Andrew is indeed the Stelek from that site, I feel like I played and hung out with an entirely different person. Andrew was fun, talkative, interactive, and pleasant. A big departure from his Internet persona, in my opinion)

Wolf Guard Battle Leader w/Thunderwolf Mount, Powerfist, Storm Shield
8 Wolf Guard w/8 Combi-Meltas, 2 Powerfists (Fists w/Wolf Scouts, others with Grey Hunters)
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry w/Powerfist, Storm Shield
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry w/Powerfist, Storm Shield
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers

Andrew and I played a Dawn of War, Annihilation as Primary
Our game was captured on the 11th Company Podcast (Which was awesome, BTW)
I went first and Deployed nothing, Andrew deployed a Thunderwolf HQ out of line of sight.

I moved all of my stuff on Turn 1. I went up the middle with all of my vehicles and brought the conscripts in behind them to bubblewrap against the inevitable Wolf Scout bum rush. Andrew then moved his Razorback Horde on the board followed by the Long Fangs. In my first turn, I killed about 3 Long Fangs(?) and nothing else, despite trying very hard. In Andrews next turn, both Wolf Scouts arrived, much to the dismay of the Officer of the Fleet. He destroyed all 3 fliers, Pinned the Special Weapons Team, Exploded a Chimera, killing 7 of the Veterans and breaking them, and then wrecked another Chimera. It was kind of downhill from here. Andrew easily defeated me. (I conceded at the Bottom of Turn 4, or top of Turn 5.)

I made a huge mistake in my deployment. Coming on the board into the center allowed Andrew to get side shots with around 6 Heavy Bolter Razorbacks. They accounted for a lot of the Chimera/Infantry destruction. This was my first game with this complete list. (Although I had played several at 1500) and served as a valuable lesson in what not to do. Had I refused a flank, I could have limited the efficacy of the Heavy Bolter Razorbacks. In the next 8 games, I did not make this mistake again. I actually thanked Andrew on Sunday for that lesson.

Andrew, you were an excellent opponent, and it was great to meet you.
