Throne of Skulls Part 2: The Photo Journey
I did not take as many pictures as I wanted to in Vegas. (In my defense, Vegas can be kind of distracting) Below are all the armies I took pictures of, I will attach names if I know them.

Al Edel's Imperial Guard

John Hermann's Grey Knights (won Best Grey Knight Player)

Marshall Reeves' Imperial Guard (Best Painted, you can see better shots at GW's website)


Praetorians (There were a LOT of guard at ToS)

Eldar! (Is that a Night Spinner?!? And, yes those are all ForgeWorld Wave Serpents)

Moar Guard!

Wood Elves

Dark Elves

The Army List the accompanies the above Dark Elf army. (Very Cool!)

A very well done Lizardmen Army.

A Nurgle Themed Chaos Space Marine Army

Bretonnians (the glare is kind of obscuring the "Lady of the Lake")

More Lizardmen

Ultramarines masquerading as Deathwing.

White Scars

A nicely painted Eldar Army.

Jump Pack Blood Angels.
Stay tuned for Part 3, where I outline the Pros and Cons of this event.
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