My gaming club, The Frederick Area Gamers (FrAGs) is doing a summer 40k escalation league. There are 6 participants in the league and games will be played at 1500, 1850, and 2250 point levels. Below are the lists and player for the 1500 point leg of the league. I will post the lists and provide comments in red.
Mike Somerville (Me) (Chaos Space Marines)
Chaos Lord w/Terminator Upgrade, Combi-Melta, Daemon Weapon
10 Chaos Space Marines w/2 Meltaguns
Rhino w/Pintle Twin-linked Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Meltagun, Flamer, Aspiring Champion, Powerfist
Rhino w/Pintle Twin-linked Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Autocannon, Plasma Gun
5 Chaos Terminators w/Twin Lightning Claws, 2 Combi-Meltas, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/Twin Lightning Claws, 2 Combi-Meltas, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/2 Combi-Flamers, 2 Combi-Plasmas, Heavy Flamer, Chainfist
Chaos Predator w/Lascannon Sponsons
(10 KP, 3 Scoring Units)
I know this list is not very good, I built it as kind of a fluff Alpha Legion list. The idea was to "fight like the hydra" and have a combination of deep strikers, mobility, and long range firepower. The league will give me incentive to get all the plastic off of the sprues.
Leigh Brady (Space Wolves)
Logan Grimnar
9 Wolf Guard w/3 Combi-Plasmas, 2 Combi-Meltas, 1 Wolf Claw, 1 Terminator Armor w/Storm Bolter and Powerfist
Drop Pod
9 Wolf Guard w/3 Combi-Plasmas, 2 Combi-Meltas, 1 Wolf Claw, 1 Terminator Armor w/Storm Bolter and Powerfist
Drop Pod
9 Wolf Guard w/2 Combi-Plasmas, 3 Combi-Meltas, 1 Wolf Claw, 1 Terminator Armor w/Storm Bolter and Powerfist
Drop Pod
9 Wolf Guard w/2 Combi-Plasmas, 2 Combi-Meltas, 1 Wolf Claw, 1 Terminator Armor w/Storm Bolter and Powerfist
Drop Pod
6 Long Fangs w/5 Multi-Meltas
Drop Pod
(11 KP, 4 Scoring Units)
Kind of an odd drop list. Special Characters tend to do well in smaller games, as opponents generally have less units to combat them. Leigh will do well in Objective games and against opponents who do not know how to reserve. The Terminator Armor to soak up Krak Missile hits is a nice touch.
Aaron Blough (Blood Angels)
9 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol, Powerfist, Meltabombs
9 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol, Powerfist, Meltabombs
10 Tactical Marines w/Meltagun, Multi-Melta, Combi-Melta
Furioso Librarian Dreadnought w/Wings of Sanguinius, Blood Lance
Furioso Librarian Dreadnought w/Wings of Sanguinius, Blood Lance
2 Saguinary Priests w/2 Combi-Meltas, 2 Lightning Claws
(11-12KP, 3-4 Scoring Units)
A deceptive assault list. This will cause people trouble who did not plan on how to handle Mephiston, 2 Dreadnoughts, and 30 FNP Marines showing up on their doorstep.
Pete Daze (Imperial Guard)
Company Command Squad w/Meltagun, 2 Plasma Guns, Officer of the Fleet
Chimera w/Multi-Laser, Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Multi-Laser, Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Multi-Laser, Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Multi-Laser, Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Leman Russ Main Battle Tank w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Leman Russ Main Battle Tank w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
(14KP, 4 Scoring Units)
Guard are very good at lower point levels, this list showcases that. 13 Meltaguns? Booya.
Chris Sult (Dark Angels)
Belial w/Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield
5 Deathwing Terminators w/5 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Apothecary
5 Deathwing Terminators w/5 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Cyclone Missile Launcher
5 Deathwing Terminators w/5 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Cyclone Missile Launcher
5 Deathwing Terminators w/5 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Cyclone Missile Launcher
5 Deathwing Terminators w/3 Chainfists, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Land Speeder w/Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Land Speeder w/Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher
(8 KP, 5 Scoring Units)
Cheap (relatively) and effective. People are going to have trouble against this. 5 Scoring units using a 4+1 build will be super effective.
PJ Brady (Space Wolves)
Wolf Lord w/Storm Shield, Wolf Claw, Thunderwolf Mount
10 Grey Hunters w/2 Meltaguns, Powerfist
10 Grey Hunters w/2 Meltaguns, Powerfist
10 Grey Hunters w/2 Meltaguns, Powerfist
10 Grey Hunters w/2 Meltaguns, Powerfist
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun, Meltabomb
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun, Meltabomb
Vindicator w/Extra Armor
Vindicator w/Extra Armor
(13KP, 4 Scoring Units)
Vindicators? Why not Long Fangs or Predators? You aren't playing BA or BT, throw those away. A Wolf Lord without a saga? At least it has 40 Grey Hunters and the always annoying Wolf Scouts. Not a huge fan of the list, but it is still better than mine.
2 Space Wolves
1 Blood Angel
1 Dark Angel
1 Imperial Guard
1 Chaos Space Marine
Here is the Schedule for the 5 rounds of the 1500 leg.
1) Round 1: Seize Ground, Pitched Battle
a. Pete v. Leigh
b. PJ v. Mike
c. Aaron v. Chris
2) Round 2: Capture and Control, Spearhead
a. Pete v. PJ
b. Leigh v. Aaron
c. Mike v. Chris
3) Round 3: Annihilation, Pitched Battle
a. Pete v. Mike
b. Leigh v. Chris
c. PJ v. Aaron
4) Round 4: Capture and Control, Dawn of War
a. Pete v. Aaron
b. Leigh v. Mike
c. PJ v. Chris
5) Round 5: Annihilation, Dawn of War
a. Pete v. Chris
b. Leigh v. PJ
c. Mike v. Aaron
I will keep you guys updated.
1 comment:
@my list- Ya it is kinda shitty =D but im just tired of shooting meta tbh. Vindicators were to act as linebackers for the rhinos.
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