Thursday, August 12, 2010

Houston...we have a problem.

So, I posted two pictures of my Sisters army that I worked so hard on the past few weeks.
I played them last night against Leigh Brady, a member of my gaming club.
I came to a depressing realization. Either my list sucks or I do not know how to use it properly.

I was outgunned at long range by lascannons, twin-Autocannon dreadnoughts, typhoon missile launchers, and autocannon predators. I can only retaliate with 2 exorcists, 2 multi-meltas, 3 autocannons, and 3 multi-lasers. Not exactly frightening, especially since the multi-meltas have a 24 inch range, and the multi-lasers and autocannons are BS 3.

The dakka preds had a field day with T3 infantry, easily shredding whatever they shot at.

So, I spent a lot of time painting, but certainly do not want to bring a sub-par list to the Nova Open, which starts...tomorrow. Crap.



Tim said...

Just do it man! You just gotta get in closer.

Mike Jötunn said...

You can never know the real effectiveness of an army based on one game.

Marc said...

Man you'll be fine! Let us know what happens!