Monday, August 16, 2010

Quick Announcement.

Hi, Mike Somerville, here again.
I need to...
1: Post 4 Batreps.
2: Provide coverage from the ICGT.
3: Provide coverage from the NOVAOpen.

But first a quick message, to "TastyTaste" and "Mkerr", whose real names I do not know.
I would have sent you an old fashioned letter if i knew either of you. But I have one comment for each of you.

Mkerr, Fuck you.
TastyTaste, Double Fuck you.
You both know why.

Mike Somervile



Marc said...


Dameon Green said...


Mike Jötunn said...

Nothing says I love you like a baseball bat to the head.

MTD said...

That seems to be the general consensus regarding those two.

Unknown said...

Hi Mike,

My name is Monty (nice to meet you). Tasty's name is Nick.

Did I sleep with your sister or something?

Awesome blog, btw! I really love the Sister army and was excited to see them on the table at the NOVA. Keep up the good work!
