I am using the 1850 Foot Blood Angels posted earlier.
My Opponent, Chris is using Space Wolves.
This is his list (from memory)
Rune Priest
Wolf Priest
2 grey hunter in Drop Pods
2 grey hunters in Rhinos
Dreadnought w/Drop Pod
Land Raider Redeemer
We are playing a Seize Ground with 5 Objectives, Pitched Battle Deployment.
Chris wins the roll-off and goes first. He deploys, then I deploy. I fail to Seize the Initiative.
Two pictures of the deployment:

Chris: Grey Hunters and the Dreadnought Drop Pod down on the right side.
The Raider, Rhinos, and Skyclaws move forward, the Rhinios pop smoke.
The dreadnought fails to wound, The Grey Hunters kill a boltgun and a missile marine from the Devs.
Mike: Missiles blow up a Rhino and kill 2 Grey Hunters. Missiles blow up the other Rhino and kill 0. They both pass their pinning test. A Plasma Cannon kills 2 inside a crater. I assault the Grey Hunters, kill 1, lose 0. They break, are caught, and take no more wounds.
Two pictures from the bottom of turn 1:

Chris: Uses Stormcaller from inside the Land Raider. It moves up and deploys its squad.
He uses his plasma to little effect, killing two of his own guys. The Land Raider kills 3 from the multi-melta devastators and wounds an attack bike.
HTH: On the right side, I kill 4 Grey Hunters, they break again, are caught and take no more wounds. In the main assault, I lose 6 marines and Corbulo, I kill 3 and do a wound to the Rune Priest. I pass the Ld test.
Me: I kill one marine in the crater, which is all my shooting is able to accomplish, my 5 meltas whiff the Land Raider, the dreadnought makes his cover saves.
Two pictures from the bottom of turn 2:

Chris: His last Drop Pod (with Grey Hunters arrives) They kill 4 from the Orange Tactical Squad. The Land Raider kills the Multi-Melta Devastators.
HTH: On the right, the dreadnought charges in, I lose 2, cause a wound and break off the table.
HTH: In the middle, I lose 3, kill1 and pass my Ld.
Me: My 3 multi-meltas roll 1,2,1 to hit the Land Raider. 4 krak missiles, a plasma cannon, 6 bolters, and a lascannon kill 3 from the grey hunters squad.
HTH: The dreadnought on the far right splats the sergeant.
HTH: Charge more into the center; I kill a skyclaw, lose 4 marines, break, get caught, lose another.
Two pics from the bottom of turn 3:

Chris: The Land Raider kills an attack bike. The grey hunters kill the Plasma Cannon (last man) from the tacticals.
HTH: The powerfist and melta charge, cause 0, the fist dies.
HTH: In the combat in the center, our poor rolling continues and a 1-1 draw ensues.
Me: I shake the Land Raider! Do about 15 wounds to Grey Hunters from frag missiles and boltguns, they save all of them.
HTH: The Attack bike assaults the Grey Hunters, causes 0, takes a wound...
On the right, I kill the Melta Grey Hunter, and consolidate 5 inches from the dreadnought.
HTH: In the center combat I kill 2 skyclaws plus their powerfist, I lose my sergeant, The characters stay and the skyclaws run 16.
Two pictures from the bottom of turn 4:

Chris: The Skyclaws run another 14 inches.
HTH: Big Combat, no wounds anywhere...
HTH: Attack bike kills 1, takes no wounds, they stay.
Me: In shooting I get 22 hits, 4 wounds and no casualties.
I shoot 2 kraks at the skyclaws, one dies, they break off the board.
HTH: Attack bike and grey hunters, 0-0 draw.
HTH: Wolf Priest kills Sanguinary Priest, I lose one marine, cause 0 wounds. I stay.
Sadly, due to alcohol, i forgot to take pictures after round 5.
Turn 6:
Chris: The dreadnought kills an attack bike.
HTH: The priests (wolf and rune) each kill a marine, I do a wound to the rune priest, and pass my Ld.
HTH: Attack bike v grey hunters 0-0 draw.
Me: Missiles kill 2 from each Grey hunter squad, they both pass break tests.
HTH: Wolf Priest kills 1, Rune priest kills 3, I cause no wounds and break.
The game mercifully ends. Chris has 2 objectives, I have none.
4 Pictures from the end of the game:

Game 2:
Me versus Pierre Daze (Sanguinebrother).
Seize Ground, 5 Objectives, Pitched Battle
He brings Mech Eldar.

I deploy, Pete Reserves Everything.
Turn 1:
Mike: moves entire gunline forward 6" or less (difficult terrain) Bikes move 12 or more (2 turboboost). Mike remembers to roll for the black rage. Mike forgets to run:
Pete: Laughs and taunts Saint.
A picture from the end of turn 1:

Mike: moves up four squads, turbo boosts bikes, moved missile squads up into building, runs units forward. Leaves several units back in terrain.
Pete: 3 Fire Prisms and 3 Fire Dragon squads come in. The Serpents with Dragons move flat out near mikes right flank. The prisms also come in on the right. Two combine fire (Str 6 AP3) and cause 3 wounds, which are saved by FNP.
A picture from the middle of turn 2. (not including petes moves)

Mike: moves right squad up towards serpent. moves corbulo+libby squad up in building.
Attack bikes move towards fire prisms.
-Attack bike destroys prism (5+6 holo-field roll)
-Attack bike misses other prism
-krak missiles and plasma cannons have no effect.
-Lascannon Shakes a serpent.
-multi-meltas wreck a serpent.
-tactical squad flames, kills 3 dragons, they run.
Pete: Dire Avengers come in from reserves, tank shocks 2 attack bikes, one passes, one fails and goes 15 inches.
two other fire dragon squads deploy.
-The fleeing fire dragons fire at the attack bike, it goes to ground and passes a save on a 6+.
-Combined fire dragon shots kill 4 from the orange squad and 3 from the blue squad.
-The attack bike takes a wound from a shuriken cannon.
Two pictures from the bottom of turn 3:

Turn 4:
My attack bike continues to fall back, but immobilizes a wave serpent from shooting.
I move squads towards the fire dragons. Combined fire kills a FD squad.
A lascannon kills the avengers serpent.
Pete concedes.
So, good practice games for the ICGT. I leave you with this picture.

1 comment:
Hey man what is the list you use? I wanna try playing it sometime.
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