Friday, April 29, 2011

Battle Report: Witch Hunters v Imperial Guard

This is my first BoLS-style video battle report. I am using Vegas List 10.



Mark said...

Very nicely done! One suggestion: Need an external mike for your opponent. Your voice is loud and clear but your opponent's is pretty much inaudible.

Saint Omerville said...

I did notice that.


Gramps said...


Saint Omerville said...

Gramps, we can try another one on Tuesday.


Gramps said...

Finally, I can post! Kept getting an error.

Out of all the lists, I recommend the Footdar.

My reasons:
1) The reasons you stated
2) Having played against your 2k list, I really think this can do well. It scales down nicely.
3) Looking at the rules packet, I think you have a good shot when compared to other Eldar players.

My second army choice would be BA Razorspam. I think it is the most versatile overall. Good mobility, decent firepower for an assault type army. Also, no easy KPs like Attack bikes. The majority of missions will be objective based, so I think you need that mobility. Granted, lack of FNP hurts, but you they have to force you out of your ride for it to matter.

I'm available for a game at G&S Tuesday if you want,.

Gramps said...

cool. I can be there anytime after 4pm.

Saint Omerville said...

The footdar are fun, but the list has some severe drawbacks...

It has no long range firepower, it will almost auto-lose to shooty Mech lists, this includes Guard, Eldar, Grey Knights, Dark Eldar, Marines, and Chaos.

So, while I would love to take the FootDar, I do not think it is a wise choice.


Gramps said...

Very true, that's why I gave my top 2. I think the BA Razorspam has the best "all comers" chance.

Wonder what you will field Tuesday. I already have my army/list picked out. I'm trying to field a list you are likely to see at ToS... or at least something similar. (ie, not my Shrike TH/SS spam.)

Saint Omerville said...

I also have my list picked out...
