Between basically October and May is what I consider to be the "off season" of 40k.
There are no local, big tournaments (e.g. NOVA, BFS, Blobs)
As a consequence, my 40k has really been limited to digesting new codex releases (Necrons) and mild painting/planning/list building.
I know I have not yet done any kind of report from my time at Battle For Salvation (BFS), I am still up in the air about it. I went 4-1, which has already been reported elsewhere on the Internet.
I definitely have some things I want to blog about, but my time has lately been monopolized with other game-related activities.
I will try to keep posts rolling out in the off season.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Pics of the Imperial Guard
Went to GW...
On my way home from work yesterday, I stopped by my local Games Workshop store to pick up some wildly expensive Sisters models.
For anyone who does not know (I didn't), Sisters of Battle are a "Direct Only" army. I was also informed that the Heavy Bolter Retributors are on back order. Cool.
The staff took the opportunity to inform me of an upcoming 40k tournament (pretty cool, I like 40k tournaments).
Whoa, 2750 points? Are the rounds 3.5 hours long? I commented that 2750 seemed like a high number of points, the staff responded, "oh just add a few tanks." Sorry guys, I claim to be good at this game. At 2750, you can clog the field with deathstar Infantry units. Then it was implied that "Comp" would be used as a factor in determining the victor. 2750 with comp? Pass. Well, I pass at "comp" tournaments in general.
Then I learned that they were out of Black Primer. What the fuck?
So, it looks like Sisters will be unavailable to me in the near future (and with the prices, probably until a new dex').
So I went home and started to convert a Marbo model.
For anyone who does not know (I didn't), Sisters of Battle are a "Direct Only" army. I was also informed that the Heavy Bolter Retributors are on back order. Cool.
The staff took the opportunity to inform me of an upcoming 40k tournament (pretty cool, I like 40k tournaments).
Whoa, 2750 points? Are the rounds 3.5 hours long? I commented that 2750 seemed like a high number of points, the staff responded, "oh just add a few tanks." Sorry guys, I claim to be good at this game. At 2750, you can clog the field with deathstar Infantry units. Then it was implied that "Comp" would be used as a factor in determining the victor. 2750 with comp? Pass. Well, I pass at "comp" tournaments in general.
Then I learned that they were out of Black Primer. What the fuck?
So, it looks like Sisters will be unavailable to me in the near future (and with the prices, probably until a new dex').
So I went home and started to convert a Marbo model.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Battle for Salvation
Battle for Salvation (BFS) is less than two weeks away. The deadline for list submission is October 4th.
At Blobs Park, I told some folks that I would be bringing the Footdar to BFS. I woke up the following day and got to work painting the Footdar. I base coated 5 Storm Guardians in roughly 8 hours.
Here is what I have left.
5 more Storm Guardians
22 Regular Guardians
One Scatter Laser
6 D-Cannons
8 Harlequins
5 Rangers
Forgeworld Avatar
It takes about 1.5 hours to do a Guardian. The D-Cannons, Avatar, and Eldrad will take longer, naturally. Assuming 1.5 hours per model (a conservative estimate, see above) I am looking at 74 hours of prep time. I do not have that much time.
Andrew, Nick, Mike, Dameon, et al; I am sorry, I can't bring Footdar to BFS.
I am still reluctant to play my Guard, so I turn to GW's newest Codex, Sisters of Battle.
This is what I came up with
Uriah Jacobus
10 Sisters w/2 Flamers, Combi-Plasma
10 Sisters w/2 Flamers, Combi-Plasma
10 Sisters w/2 Flamers, Combi-Plasma
13 Sisters w/Meltagun, Storm Bolter, Power Weapon
Ecclesiarchy Priest w/Eviscerator
5 Celestians w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Celestians w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Dominions w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Dominions w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Retributors w/4 Heavy Bolters
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Retributors w/4 Heavy Bolters
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Retributors w/4 Heavy Bolters
So, I looked at my collection. I am a couple of models short. GW wants $14 for a Retributor w/Heavy Bolter? $12 for a superior (that I need to do the Combi-Plasma conversaions)?
$10 for a Meltagun? Damn this army is expensive. I will also need to convert all of my Immolators to have twin Multi-Melta instead of the now useless Twin-Heavy Flamer.
I need to obtain, build, and paint 2 retributor squads. I need to obtain, build/convert, and paint 3 superiors with Combi-Plasma (or Melta). I need to paint Uriah, a Priest, a Meltagunner, a sister Superior, and an Immolator. I need to convert 5 more Immolators.
Not out of the realm of possibility. Accomplishing this will hinge on a trip I make to GW today. If they have all of the models I need, I will try my best to get this done.
BUT, what if they are a little short of stock?
My fallback is Guard. I have wanted to change my Guard up since NOVA, but have not had the time since I have been focusing on the Footdar.
I plan to drop the following from my list:
-20 Conscripts
-Special Weapons Team w/3 Meltaguns
-Officer of the Fleet
In return I will add:
-Infantry Squad w/Flamer, Plasma Pistol (or Meltagun, Meltabombs)
-Infantry Squad w/Flamer, Plasma Pistol (or Meltagun, Meltabombs)
-A Meltagun to my Command Squad
-Guardsman Marbo
The Infantry Squads replace the Conscripts and take their role of a Bubblewrap unit when needed, or they can come on from reserves to grab objectives in my backfield.
Marbo causes havoc wherever he treads. The Meltagun addition is because I always seem to need one in the command squad.
We will see how the trip to GW unfolds.
At Blobs Park, I told some folks that I would be bringing the Footdar to BFS. I woke up the following day and got to work painting the Footdar. I base coated 5 Storm Guardians in roughly 8 hours.
Here is what I have left.
5 more Storm Guardians
22 Regular Guardians
One Scatter Laser
6 D-Cannons
8 Harlequins
5 Rangers
Forgeworld Avatar
It takes about 1.5 hours to do a Guardian. The D-Cannons, Avatar, and Eldrad will take longer, naturally. Assuming 1.5 hours per model (a conservative estimate, see above) I am looking at 74 hours of prep time. I do not have that much time.
Andrew, Nick, Mike, Dameon, et al; I am sorry, I can't bring Footdar to BFS.
I am still reluctant to play my Guard, so I turn to GW's newest Codex, Sisters of Battle.
This is what I came up with
Uriah Jacobus
10 Sisters w/2 Flamers, Combi-Plasma
10 Sisters w/2 Flamers, Combi-Plasma
10 Sisters w/2 Flamers, Combi-Plasma
13 Sisters w/Meltagun, Storm Bolter, Power Weapon
Ecclesiarchy Priest w/Eviscerator
5 Celestians w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Celestians w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Dominions w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Dominions w/2 Meltaguns
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Retributors w/4 Heavy Bolters
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Retributors w/4 Heavy Bolters
Immolator w/Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Retributors w/4 Heavy Bolters
So, I looked at my collection. I am a couple of models short. GW wants $14 for a Retributor w/Heavy Bolter? $12 for a superior (that I need to do the Combi-Plasma conversaions)?
$10 for a Meltagun? Damn this army is expensive. I will also need to convert all of my Immolators to have twin Multi-Melta instead of the now useless Twin-Heavy Flamer.
I need to obtain, build, and paint 2 retributor squads. I need to obtain, build/convert, and paint 3 superiors with Combi-Plasma (or Melta). I need to paint Uriah, a Priest, a Meltagunner, a sister Superior, and an Immolator. I need to convert 5 more Immolators.
Not out of the realm of possibility. Accomplishing this will hinge on a trip I make to GW today. If they have all of the models I need, I will try my best to get this done.
BUT, what if they are a little short of stock?
My fallback is Guard. I have wanted to change my Guard up since NOVA, but have not had the time since I have been focusing on the Footdar.
I plan to drop the following from my list:
-20 Conscripts
-Special Weapons Team w/3 Meltaguns
-Officer of the Fleet
In return I will add:
-Infantry Squad w/Flamer, Plasma Pistol (or Meltagun, Meltabombs)
-Infantry Squad w/Flamer, Plasma Pistol (or Meltagun, Meltabombs)
-A Meltagun to my Command Squad
-Guardsman Marbo
The Infantry Squads replace the Conscripts and take their role of a Bubblewrap unit when needed, or they can come on from reserves to grab objectives in my backfield.
Marbo causes havoc wherever he treads. The Meltagun addition is because I always seem to need one in the command squad.
We will see how the trip to GW unfolds.
Battle at Blobs Park
This past weekend I attended the "Battle at Blobs Park", a 2000 point Warhammer 40,000 tournament.
Blobs park is a German Biergarden (Beer Garden). The tournament was in a pavilion, and unlike last year, was held in September, not early (HOT) summer.
I took the exact same list that I had taken to NOVA. Imperial Guard.
I played 4 games going 3-1. I am not going to do battle reports from this, nor am I going to post lists (a couple I do not even have).
First game I faced a similar Guard army in "Capture and Control", something neither of s were going to win. My opponent and I seemed to be playing for a Draw since neither of us really moved up on the other. At the end of 6 turns, we drew.
We then found out that Draws are not possible, and VP's was the tiebreaker. I was a little annoyed that this was not in the mission packet, but oh well. I lost on VP's by a pretty comfortable margin.
I then faced Orks in a Spearhead Kill Points mission. My opponent Mike Hoffman was a cool guy, but knew the game was likely over before deployment. We traded firepower and I killed all of his light vehicles and a bunch of orks putting me up on Kill Points.
Round 3, I faced the ringer! I believe his name was Duncan(?), he had a pretty generic Space Wolves list. Long Fangs, Wolf Scouts, Grey Hunters, and two Rune Priests. The mission was a Dawn of War, 5 Objective Seize Ground. Long story short, he won the roll-off and chose to go first. At the top of turn 6, he had three objectives to my two. During my movement phase, I contested his three and the game ended.
In the Final round, I played against a local guy playing Chaos Space Marines in a Pitched Battle, board quarters. (A stupid mission in 5th, IMO) His army was not outfitted for 5th edition or tournament play. He became frustrated with his inability to decimate me with only one real anti-tank unit. He mentioned that he had not really played since 3rd edition; he became more frustrated when he learned of 5th edition rules, specifically the rules for assault. He conceded Turn 5, after I had decimated most of his Army.
Blobs was a great time because of the Food, Beer, and meeting up with local and not-so-local 40k players. The missions were crap in my opinion. The tournament billed itself as a "NOVA Format", but yet it used Battle Points. It was possible to lose a round and yet get more battle points than your opponent. I hate this format.
For the second year in a row, a guy went 4-0 and got nothing. Meanwhile a 3-1 guy won best overall. (Not that either are upset about it, nor am I)
It is funny to note that last year I went first in all of my games, this year I went second in all of my games. The one round where I won the roll-off, my opponent seized the initiative.
Blobs park is a German Biergarden (Beer Garden). The tournament was in a pavilion, and unlike last year, was held in September, not early (HOT) summer.
I took the exact same list that I had taken to NOVA. Imperial Guard.
I played 4 games going 3-1. I am not going to do battle reports from this, nor am I going to post lists (a couple I do not even have).
First game I faced a similar Guard army in "Capture and Control", something neither of s were going to win. My opponent and I seemed to be playing for a Draw since neither of us really moved up on the other. At the end of 6 turns, we drew.
We then found out that Draws are not possible, and VP's was the tiebreaker. I was a little annoyed that this was not in the mission packet, but oh well. I lost on VP's by a pretty comfortable margin.
I then faced Orks in a Spearhead Kill Points mission. My opponent Mike Hoffman was a cool guy, but knew the game was likely over before deployment. We traded firepower and I killed all of his light vehicles and a bunch of orks putting me up on Kill Points.
Round 3, I faced the ringer! I believe his name was Duncan(?), he had a pretty generic Space Wolves list. Long Fangs, Wolf Scouts, Grey Hunters, and two Rune Priests. The mission was a Dawn of War, 5 Objective Seize Ground. Long story short, he won the roll-off and chose to go first. At the top of turn 6, he had three objectives to my two. During my movement phase, I contested his three and the game ended.
In the Final round, I played against a local guy playing Chaos Space Marines in a Pitched Battle, board quarters. (A stupid mission in 5th, IMO) His army was not outfitted for 5th edition or tournament play. He became frustrated with his inability to decimate me with only one real anti-tank unit. He mentioned that he had not really played since 3rd edition; he became more frustrated when he learned of 5th edition rules, specifically the rules for assault. He conceded Turn 5, after I had decimated most of his Army.
Blobs was a great time because of the Food, Beer, and meeting up with local and not-so-local 40k players. The missions were crap in my opinion. The tournament billed itself as a "NOVA Format", but yet it used Battle Points. It was possible to lose a round and yet get more battle points than your opponent. I hate this format.
For the second year in a row, a guy went 4-0 and got nothing. Meanwhile a 3-1 guy won best overall. (Not that either are upset about it, nor am I)
It is funny to note that last year I went first in all of my games, this year I went second in all of my games. The one round where I won the roll-off, my opponent seized the initiative.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
NOVA Open (Sunday)
Day 2 of the 40k GT. Since I was 4-0 in day 1, I am seeded in the Top 16 Bracket. All of my opponents will be excellent players.
Round 5: Pitched Battle, Table Quarters, Kill Points, Objectives
Dawson Hindrelet, Space Wolves
Wolf Lord w/Thunderwolf Mount, Runic Armor, Wolf Claw, Stormshield
Wolf Lord w/Thunderwolf Mount, Runic Armor, Frostblade, Stormshield
Wolf Lord w/Thunderwolf Mount, Runic Armor, Thunderhammer, Stormshield
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Drop Pod
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Drop Pod
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Drop Pod
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
2 Thunderwolf Cavalry w/2 Stormshields, Powerfist
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
I deployed in my usual off-center formation (refused flank in one corner). Dawson deployed first. I then managed to seize the initiative. He podded in the dreadnoughts who performed awfully and failed to destroy anything with Multi-melta shots. I was able to pound the 5 thunderwolves with Manticore fire before they split up. Since there were no sagas on any of the lords, they were easy decision targets for S10 fire. I "Instant Killed" both Thunderwolf Cavalry (with Manticores) and two of the three wolf lords (Both with Demolisher shots). Lascannon/meltagun/multi-laser fire accounted for the third one. In the interim, I had been opening up into the Long Fangs with Multi-Laser/Heavy Bolter/autocannon fire and whittled them down a bit. I mostly ignored the razorbacks (who chilled in his backfield) until everything else was taken care of.
I won 3 quarters to 1.
Round 6: Dawn of War, Kill Points, Objectives, Table Quarters
Tony Kopach, Space Wolves (When I saw this matchup, I thought "Well, shit")
Njal Stormcaller, Lord of Tempests
6 Wolf Guard w/6 Combi-Meltas, 6 Powerfists (distributed 2 to the scouts, 4 to big Grey Hunter squads)
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
5 Grey Hunters w/Flamer
Razorback w/Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Grey Hunters w/Flamer
Razorback w/Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
I have played Tony a couple times before. Since we are friends and know each other, this game was fun and talkative. Tony won the roll off and deployed Njal+GH Squad+Rhino in the center of the board. I seized the initiative on Tony. I moved everything on and got LoS to Njal's Rhino, 6 Twin-linked lascannons was stunned. the turning point in this game was turn 2 when one of tony's wolf scout squads arrived and multi-charged a Chimera and my Bubblewrap Conscripts. Somehow, the conscripts passed their break test (on a 4) so I would have to spend a significant effort to remove the Wold Scouts.
Whilst that was happening, I just could not kill Rhinos. My first kill point of the game came in turn 4, when I wiped out the Scout Squad. Next turn Tony completed the tabling by Njal Force-Weaponing my Commander...Ouch. The game ended 22-2. I have some idea what I did wrong, I think I need to start ignoring Wolf Scouts when I play. They were definitely the deciding factor.
Round 7: Pitched Battle, Objectives, Kill Points, Table Quarters
Brad "Hulksmash" Townsend, Space Wolves (Loganwing)
Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf
Lone Wolf w/Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield
Lone Wolf w/Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield
5 Wolf Scouts w/2 Powerweapons, Meltagun
10 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-1 w/Powerweapon
-1 regular
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Wolf Claw
-4 w/Terminator Armor, Combi-Plasma, Wolf Claw
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chainfist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-4 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-4 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-4 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-3 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Power Armor
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
So , lots of missiles, 24 shots, I believe. I didn't even try to kill the 10-man Logan Squad. Brad had no problem killing my vehicles, I had lots of trouble killing terminators, I think I only killed one 5-man squad (leaving others with just a terminator.) The Wolf Scouts and Lone Wolves gave me problems. At the end of Brads turn 6, he had 2 objectives and I had one. I moved a Chimera to contest one and gave my officer the "move, move, move!"order to get in contesting range of the other. I knew if the game went to 7, I would lose. This game came down to a single d6 roll. on a 1-3 Brad would lose, on a 4-6 Brad would win.
When the dice fell, we were both super nervous, Brad rolled a 5. and claimed victory.
Great game, even though he had me for the majority of it.
Round 8: Spearhead, Table Quarters, Objectives, Kill Points
Adam Tricola, Dark Eldar "Kabal of the Awesomesauce"
Baron Sathonyx
7 Incubi
Raider w/Grisly Trophies, Flickerfield
3 Wracks
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
5 Kabalite Warriors w/Blaster
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
5 Kabalite Warriors w/Blaster
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
5 Kabalite Warriors w/Blaster
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
18 Hellions w/Helliarch, Agoniser
6 Reavers w/2 Heat Lances
6 Reavers w/2 Heat Lances
6 Reavers w/2 Heat Lances
Ravager w/3 Dark Lances, Flickerfield
Ravager w/3 Dark Lances, Flickerfield
Ravager w/3 Dark Lances, Flickerfield
So, Adam and I deployed opposite each other and he came at me. We both had trouble destroying the others vehicles. Until about turn 3, when I was able to kill a good bit of them plus all the Reavers that were up in my face. The Baron and the Hellion squad came on my left and harassed my 3 Infantry Squad in Chimeras (as well as the conscripts later). Since we both had a lot to move, we only got through Turn 4. Not that either of us were slow, we just had lots to do. At the end, we were tied on all mission objectives but I was over by Victory Points.
For those of you keeping track, Adam was my first opponent whose army was not a Space Marine variant. Bravo Adam!
So, at the end of the tournament, I finished 6-2. Pretty awesome by my account.
Round 5: Pitched Battle, Table Quarters, Kill Points, Objectives
Dawson Hindrelet, Space Wolves
Wolf Lord w/Thunderwolf Mount, Runic Armor, Wolf Claw, Stormshield
Wolf Lord w/Thunderwolf Mount, Runic Armor, Frostblade, Stormshield
Wolf Lord w/Thunderwolf Mount, Runic Armor, Thunderhammer, Stormshield
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Drop Pod
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Drop Pod
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Drop Pod
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
2 Thunderwolf Cavalry w/2 Stormshields, Powerfist
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
I deployed in my usual off-center formation (refused flank in one corner). Dawson deployed first. I then managed to seize the initiative. He podded in the dreadnoughts who performed awfully and failed to destroy anything with Multi-melta shots. I was able to pound the 5 thunderwolves with Manticore fire before they split up. Since there were no sagas on any of the lords, they were easy decision targets for S10 fire. I "Instant Killed" both Thunderwolf Cavalry (with Manticores) and two of the three wolf lords (Both with Demolisher shots). Lascannon/meltagun/multi-laser fire accounted for the third one. In the interim, I had been opening up into the Long Fangs with Multi-Laser/Heavy Bolter/autocannon fire and whittled them down a bit. I mostly ignored the razorbacks (who chilled in his backfield) until everything else was taken care of.
I won 3 quarters to 1.
Round 6: Dawn of War, Kill Points, Objectives, Table Quarters
Tony Kopach, Space Wolves (When I saw this matchup, I thought "Well, shit")
Njal Stormcaller, Lord of Tempests
6 Wolf Guard w/6 Combi-Meltas, 6 Powerfists (distributed 2 to the scouts, 4 to big Grey Hunter squads)
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Wolf Standard
5 Grey Hunters w/Flamer
Razorback w/Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Grey Hunters w/Flamer
Razorback w/Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
I have played Tony a couple times before. Since we are friends and know each other, this game was fun and talkative. Tony won the roll off and deployed Njal+GH Squad+Rhino in the center of the board. I seized the initiative on Tony. I moved everything on and got LoS to Njal's Rhino, 6 Twin-linked lascannons was stunned. the turning point in this game was turn 2 when one of tony's wolf scout squads arrived and multi-charged a Chimera and my Bubblewrap Conscripts. Somehow, the conscripts passed their break test (on a 4) so I would have to spend a significant effort to remove the Wold Scouts.
Whilst that was happening, I just could not kill Rhinos. My first kill point of the game came in turn 4, when I wiped out the Scout Squad. Next turn Tony completed the tabling by Njal Force-Weaponing my Commander...Ouch. The game ended 22-2. I have some idea what I did wrong, I think I need to start ignoring Wolf Scouts when I play. They were definitely the deciding factor.
Round 7: Pitched Battle, Objectives, Kill Points, Table Quarters
Brad "Hulksmash" Townsend, Space Wolves (Loganwing)
Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf
Lone Wolf w/Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield
Lone Wolf w/Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Storm Shield
5 Wolf Scouts w/2 Powerweapons, Meltagun
10 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-1 w/Powerweapon
-1 regular
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Wolf Claw
-4 w/Terminator Armor, Combi-Plasma, Wolf Claw
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chainfist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-4 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-4 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-4 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Wolf Guard, equipped as follows
-3 w/Power Armor, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Power Armor
-1 w/Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chain Fist
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
So , lots of missiles, 24 shots, I believe. I didn't even try to kill the 10-man Logan Squad. Brad had no problem killing my vehicles, I had lots of trouble killing terminators, I think I only killed one 5-man squad (leaving others with just a terminator.) The Wolf Scouts and Lone Wolves gave me problems. At the end of Brads turn 6, he had 2 objectives and I had one. I moved a Chimera to contest one and gave my officer the "move, move, move!"order to get in contesting range of the other. I knew if the game went to 7, I would lose. This game came down to a single d6 roll. on a 1-3 Brad would lose, on a 4-6 Brad would win.
When the dice fell, we were both super nervous, Brad rolled a 5. and claimed victory.
Great game, even though he had me for the majority of it.
Round 8: Spearhead, Table Quarters, Objectives, Kill Points
Adam Tricola, Dark Eldar "Kabal of the Awesomesauce"
Baron Sathonyx
7 Incubi
Raider w/Grisly Trophies, Flickerfield
3 Wracks
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
5 Kabalite Warriors w/Blaster
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
5 Kabalite Warriors w/Blaster
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
5 Kabalite Warriors w/Blaster
Venom w/2 Splinter Cannons, Grisly Trophies
18 Hellions w/Helliarch, Agoniser
6 Reavers w/2 Heat Lances
6 Reavers w/2 Heat Lances
6 Reavers w/2 Heat Lances
Ravager w/3 Dark Lances, Flickerfield
Ravager w/3 Dark Lances, Flickerfield
Ravager w/3 Dark Lances, Flickerfield
So, Adam and I deployed opposite each other and he came at me. We both had trouble destroying the others vehicles. Until about turn 3, when I was able to kill a good bit of them plus all the Reavers that were up in my face. The Baron and the Hellion squad came on my left and harassed my 3 Infantry Squad in Chimeras (as well as the conscripts later). Since we both had a lot to move, we only got through Turn 4. Not that either of us were slow, we just had lots to do. At the end, we were tied on all mission objectives but I was over by Victory Points.
For those of you keeping track, Adam was my first opponent whose army was not a Space Marine variant. Bravo Adam!
So, at the end of the tournament, I finished 6-2. Pretty awesome by my account.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
NOVA Open (Saturday)
Day 1 of the 40k GT.
Round 1: Pitched Battle, Objectives, Kill Points, Table Quarters.
Cory Morris, Space Marines
Pedro Kantor (using Pedros rules)
6 Assault Terminators w/6 Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield
Land Raider Crusader
7 Sternguard w/Combi-Melta, Power Fist
7 Sternguard w/Combi-Melta, Power Fist
10 Tactical Marines w/Meltagun, Missile Launcher, Powerfist
10 Tactical Marines w/Flamer, Lascannon, Powerfist
Predator w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Predator w/Lascannon Sponsons
I opened the game by immobilizing the Land Raider Crusader. My scouting Melta-Valkyrie unit destroyed the lascannon Predator early. In effect, I removed a significant portion of his firepower and his assault ability. Cory kept the terminators inside the crusader for about 3 turns too long. (they should have disembarked and pressured me immediately)
Since I did not have to deal with the terminators right away, I was able to remove 3 of 4 of Corey's scoring units. I then easily took the objectives (even with pedro, lysander, et al in my backfield)
Round 2: Spearhead, Table Quarters, Objectives, Kill Points.
Blaine Toups, Space Wolves (Iron Warriors "counts as")
Rune Priest w/Jaws of the World Wolf, Stormcaller
Rune Priest w/Boltgun, Jaws of the World Wolf, Living Lightning
10 Wolf Guard (broken down as follows)
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter, Power Fist
-1 w/Terminator Armor, Combi-Flamer, Power Weapon
-1 w/ Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter, Power Weapon
-1 w/Combi-Melta, Powerfist
-2 w/Combi-melta, Bolt Pistol
-1 w/Combi-Plasma, Bolt Pistol
Dreadnought w/2 Twin-Linked Autocannons
Dreadnought w/2 Twin-Linked Autocannons
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Power Weapon, Wolf Standard
5 Grey Hunters w/Plasma Gun
Razorback w/Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
Land Speeder w/Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
Land Speeder w/Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
6 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers, Lascannon
Predator w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Predator w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
So, on paper, Blaine's army looks pretty terrifying in the firepower department. We set up across from each other looking to start a firepower duel. I went first, and spent two turns blowing him off the table and crippling his firepower (via suppression mostly). The game was pretty close until about turn 4 when I got some key rolls and managed to destroy some very high value units in Blaine's deployment zone. I won by 3 quarters to 1.
Round 3: Dawn of War, Kill Points, Table Quarters, Objectives.
Charles "Chuck" Pierce, Blood Angels, "Razorspam"
Librarian w/Shield of Sanguinius, The Sanguine Sword
2 Sanguinary Priests
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
Land Speeder w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Land Speeder w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
2 Land Speeders w/2 Typhoon Missile Launchers
5 Devastators w/4 Missile Launchers
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Devastators w/4 Missile Launchers
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Devastators w/4 Missile Launchers
Well, holy shit firepower. So, I went first. Long story short, Chuck had a ton of kill points and so did I. My Manticores and Vendettas killed off the Lascannon Razors , and since they were close to the Devastators, I could always hit a few with the barrages. BA Devs, without sergeant need a pin test on Ld 7 when they take a Manticore casualty. It was very effective. My Multi-Lasers, Heavy Bolters, and Autocannons obliterated the lithe speeders that came my way.
This game was not close. I got almost 10 KP's off of vehicles alone. Once Chucks Infantry was disembarked in his deployment zone, the game was effectively over. I do not recall what the final tally was, but it was a little lopsided.
Round 4: Spearhead, Objectives, Table Quarters, Kill Points.
Craig Barnes, Space Wolves, "Loganwing"
Logan Grimnar
Njal Stormcaller
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta
10 Wolf Guard (All in Terminator Armor, broken down as follows)
-1 w/Powerfist, Powerfist
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw, Cyclone Missile Launcher
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Power Weapon, Cyclone Missile Launcher
-1 w/Wolf Claw, Wolf Claw
-2 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter
-2 w/Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw
-1 w/Storm Shield, Wolf Claw
5 Wolf Guard (All in Terminator Armor, broken down as follows)
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw, Cyclone Missile Launcher
-1 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-2 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw
5 Wolf Guard (All in Terminator Armor, broken down as follows)
-1 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter, Cyclone Missile Launcer
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-1 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Powerfist
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw
6 Long Fangs w/5 Missile Launchers
6 Long Fangs w/5 Missile Launchers
Craig deployed first, 5 man squads near the forward edges of his zone, covered by dreadnoughts, big squad w/Njal and Logan near the rear.
So, I deployed in a spearhead, giving all but my demolisher cover (I was not too worried about front Multi-Melta or Missile Hits) I reserved both meltavet squads, my conscripts, platoon command, and special weapons team.
Craig only had 3 scoring units, so I focused on killing the two 5-man squads. Easier said than done as Craig made a TON of saves. He did make a mistake, detaching Njal from the big terminator squad in a ruin near my board edge (so he could get LoS to the Manticores)
My Meltavets rolled on and smoked him.
At the end of 5 turns, I had one terminator squad down to just the cyclone (on the objective on his side of the table near my deployment zone and the other 5-man squad down to two people on the center objective. Logan and Friends held the objective near by board edge. (I assaulted them off of one as they were spread across both.) I moved my conscripts to claim the objective in my deployment zone, moved a Chimera to contest the one held by logan and friends, moved my company command to contest the one held by the lone terminator and moved an infantry squad to contest the center. Sadly, the game went to turn 6...
Logans squad wiped the Chimera. The lone terminator smoked the command squad.
The two terminators charged my Infantry Squad. The Infantry killed a terminator before it could strike (no grenades) the survivor only did one wound, which I put on the autocannon, Drawn combat!
The 15 minute time was called, meaning I would have my turn, then the game would end.
The lone terminator that had killed the command squad was on top of the ruin and now visible to my immobilized, one weapon left each, vendettas. Two twin-linked lascannons gunned him down. I had been slowly march-stringing my conscripts closer to that objective. a great run roll (5) put me well within 3 inches of the objective. Now it is 2-1 me with a two scoring units fighting on the center.
The terminator swung and killed a guardsman. I retaliate, doing only one wound, and the terminator fails his save. Victory for the Infantry Squad, they claim the third objective giving me a 3-1 win.
This game was an incredible game, mostly because it was so close for so long.
Summary: At the end of day 1, I am 4-0. This qualifies me as one of 16 "Tournament Aces" and puts me in the top bracket (Top 16) of Day 2. The competition tomorrow will be fierce to say the least.
Round 1: Pitched Battle, Objectives, Kill Points, Table Quarters.
Cory Morris, Space Marines
Pedro Kantor (using Pedros rules)
6 Assault Terminators w/6 Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield
Land Raider Crusader
7 Sternguard w/Combi-Melta, Power Fist
7 Sternguard w/Combi-Melta, Power Fist
10 Tactical Marines w/Meltagun, Missile Launcher, Powerfist
10 Tactical Marines w/Flamer, Lascannon, Powerfist
Predator w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Predator w/Lascannon Sponsons
I opened the game by immobilizing the Land Raider Crusader. My scouting Melta-Valkyrie unit destroyed the lascannon Predator early. In effect, I removed a significant portion of his firepower and his assault ability. Cory kept the terminators inside the crusader for about 3 turns too long. (they should have disembarked and pressured me immediately)
Since I did not have to deal with the terminators right away, I was able to remove 3 of 4 of Corey's scoring units. I then easily took the objectives (even with pedro, lysander, et al in my backfield)
Round 2: Spearhead, Table Quarters, Objectives, Kill Points.
Blaine Toups, Space Wolves (Iron Warriors "counts as")
Rune Priest w/Jaws of the World Wolf, Stormcaller
Rune Priest w/Boltgun, Jaws of the World Wolf, Living Lightning
10 Wolf Guard (broken down as follows)
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-2 w/Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter, Power Fist
-1 w/Terminator Armor, Combi-Flamer, Power Weapon
-1 w/ Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter, Power Weapon
-1 w/Combi-Melta, Powerfist
-2 w/Combi-melta, Bolt Pistol
-1 w/Combi-Plasma, Bolt Pistol
Dreadnought w/2 Twin-Linked Autocannons
Dreadnought w/2 Twin-Linked Autocannons
8 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun, Power Weapon, Wolf Standard
5 Grey Hunters w/Plasma Gun
Razorback w/Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon, Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
Land Speeder w/Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
Land Speeder w/Multi-melta, Heavy Flamer
6 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers, Lascannon
Predator w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Predator w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
So, on paper, Blaine's army looks pretty terrifying in the firepower department. We set up across from each other looking to start a firepower duel. I went first, and spent two turns blowing him off the table and crippling his firepower (via suppression mostly). The game was pretty close until about turn 4 when I got some key rolls and managed to destroy some very high value units in Blaine's deployment zone. I won by 3 quarters to 1.
Round 3: Dawn of War, Kill Points, Table Quarters, Objectives.
Charles "Chuck" Pierce, Blood Angels, "Razorspam"
Librarian w/Shield of Sanguinius, The Sanguine Sword
2 Sanguinary Priests
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol
Razorback w/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Assault Marines w/Meltagun
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
Land Speeder w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
Land Speeder w/Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer
2 Land Speeders w/2 Typhoon Missile Launchers
5 Devastators w/4 Missile Launchers
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Devastators w/4 Missile Launchers
Razorback w/Lascannon & Twin-Linked Plasma Gun
5 Devastators w/4 Missile Launchers
Well, holy shit firepower. So, I went first. Long story short, Chuck had a ton of kill points and so did I. My Manticores and Vendettas killed off the Lascannon Razors , and since they were close to the Devastators, I could always hit a few with the barrages. BA Devs, without sergeant need a pin test on Ld 7 when they take a Manticore casualty. It was very effective. My Multi-Lasers, Heavy Bolters, and Autocannons obliterated the lithe speeders that came my way.
This game was not close. I got almost 10 KP's off of vehicles alone. Once Chucks Infantry was disembarked in his deployment zone, the game was effectively over. I do not recall what the final tally was, but it was a little lopsided.
Round 4: Spearhead, Objectives, Table Quarters, Kill Points.
Craig Barnes, Space Wolves, "Loganwing"
Logan Grimnar
Njal Stormcaller
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta
10 Wolf Guard (All in Terminator Armor, broken down as follows)
-1 w/Powerfist, Powerfist
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw, Cyclone Missile Launcher
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Power Weapon, Cyclone Missile Launcher
-1 w/Wolf Claw, Wolf Claw
-2 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter
-2 w/Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw
-1 w/Storm Shield, Wolf Claw
5 Wolf Guard (All in Terminator Armor, broken down as follows)
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw, Cyclone Missile Launcher
-1 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-2 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw
5 Wolf Guard (All in Terminator Armor, broken down as follows)
-1 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter, Cyclone Missile Launcer
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Chainfist
-1 w/Power Weapon, Storm Bolter
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Powerfist
-1 w/Storm Bolter, Wolf Claw
6 Long Fangs w/5 Missile Launchers
6 Long Fangs w/5 Missile Launchers
Craig deployed first, 5 man squads near the forward edges of his zone, covered by dreadnoughts, big squad w/Njal and Logan near the rear.
So, I deployed in a spearhead, giving all but my demolisher cover (I was not too worried about front Multi-Melta or Missile Hits) I reserved both meltavet squads, my conscripts, platoon command, and special weapons team.
Craig only had 3 scoring units, so I focused on killing the two 5-man squads. Easier said than done as Craig made a TON of saves. He did make a mistake, detaching Njal from the big terminator squad in a ruin near my board edge (so he could get LoS to the Manticores)
My Meltavets rolled on and smoked him.
At the end of 5 turns, I had one terminator squad down to just the cyclone (on the objective on his side of the table near my deployment zone and the other 5-man squad down to two people on the center objective. Logan and Friends held the objective near by board edge. (I assaulted them off of one as they were spread across both.) I moved my conscripts to claim the objective in my deployment zone, moved a Chimera to contest the one held by logan and friends, moved my company command to contest the one held by the lone terminator and moved an infantry squad to contest the center. Sadly, the game went to turn 6...
Logans squad wiped the Chimera. The lone terminator smoked the command squad.
The two terminators charged my Infantry Squad. The Infantry killed a terminator before it could strike (no grenades) the survivor only did one wound, which I put on the autocannon, Drawn combat!
The 15 minute time was called, meaning I would have my turn, then the game would end.
The lone terminator that had killed the command squad was on top of the ruin and now visible to my immobilized, one weapon left each, vendettas. Two twin-linked lascannons gunned him down. I had been slowly march-stringing my conscripts closer to that objective. a great run roll (5) put me well within 3 inches of the objective. Now it is 2-1 me with a two scoring units fighting on the center.
The terminator swung and killed a guardsman. I retaliate, doing only one wound, and the terminator fails his save. Victory for the Infantry Squad, they claim the third objective giving me a 3-1 win.
This game was an incredible game, mostly because it was so close for so long.
Summary: At the end of day 1, I am 4-0. This qualifies me as one of 16 "Tournament Aces" and puts me in the top bracket (Top 16) of Day 2. The competition tomorrow will be fierce to say the least.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
NOVA Open (Friday)
At the NOVA Open on Friday I was a "referee" for the NOVA invitational.
This was a damn long day. 5 rounds in a day is very draining.
I can only imagine how tiring it was for the actual players of the event.
After it was all over, Nick Nanavati ("Yermom") of was victorious, winning the $1000.00 Invitational prize.
After that, I went to my hotel room and passed out.
This was a damn long day. 5 rounds in a day is very draining.
I can only imagine how tiring it was for the actual players of the event.
After it was all over, Nick Nanavati ("Yermom") of was victorious, winning the $1000.00 Invitational prize.
After that, I went to my hotel room and passed out.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
NOVA Open (Thursday)
Thursday night I played in the Whiskey Challenge match against Andrew E. Sutton.
I had thought about taking Footdar (Foot Eldar) to this match. Then, I thought to myself what I would accomplish bringing Footdar. Answer? Nothing. I would likely lose, as they are not that great of an army; I could blame a loss on "playing footdar". I decided to challenge myself and bring my NOVA Open list. Here it is:
Command Platoon w/3 Plasma Guns, Astropath, Officer of the Fleet
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Platoon Command w/3 Flamers
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Special Weapons Squad w/3 Meltaguns
20 Conscripts
Valkyrie w/Multiple Rocket Pods
Leman Russ Demolisher w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Manticore w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Manticore w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Andrew E. Sutton's list:
(Wait, isn't that Stelek from Well, no. While Andrew is indeed the Stelek from that site, I feel like I played and hung out with an entirely different person. Andrew was fun, talkative, interactive, and pleasant. A big departure from his Internet persona, in my opinion)
Wolf Guard Battle Leader w/Thunderwolf Mount, Powerfist, Storm Shield
8 Wolf Guard w/8 Combi-Meltas, 2 Powerfists (Fists w/Wolf Scouts, others with Grey Hunters)
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry w/Powerfist, Storm Shield
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry w/Powerfist, Storm Shield
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
Andrew and I played a Dawn of War, Annihilation as Primary
Our game was captured on the 11th Company Podcast (Which was awesome, BTW)
I went first and Deployed nothing, Andrew deployed a Thunderwolf HQ out of line of sight.
I moved all of my stuff on Turn 1. I went up the middle with all of my vehicles and brought the conscripts in behind them to bubblewrap against the inevitable Wolf Scout bum rush. Andrew then moved his Razorback Horde on the board followed by the Long Fangs. In my first turn, I killed about 3 Long Fangs(?) and nothing else, despite trying very hard. In Andrews next turn, both Wolf Scouts arrived, much to the dismay of the Officer of the Fleet. He destroyed all 3 fliers, Pinned the Special Weapons Team, Exploded a Chimera, killing 7 of the Veterans and breaking them, and then wrecked another Chimera. It was kind of downhill from here. Andrew easily defeated me. (I conceded at the Bottom of Turn 4, or top of Turn 5.)
I made a huge mistake in my deployment. Coming on the board into the center allowed Andrew to get side shots with around 6 Heavy Bolter Razorbacks. They accounted for a lot of the Chimera/Infantry destruction. This was my first game with this complete list. (Although I had played several at 1500) and served as a valuable lesson in what not to do. Had I refused a flank, I could have limited the efficacy of the Heavy Bolter Razorbacks. In the next 8 games, I did not make this mistake again. I actually thanked Andrew on Sunday for that lesson.
Andrew, you were an excellent opponent, and it was great to meet you.
I had thought about taking Footdar (Foot Eldar) to this match. Then, I thought to myself what I would accomplish bringing Footdar. Answer? Nothing. I would likely lose, as they are not that great of an army; I could blame a loss on "playing footdar". I decided to challenge myself and bring my NOVA Open list. Here it is:
Command Platoon w/3 Plasma Guns, Astropath, Officer of the Fleet
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Platoon Command w/3 Flamers
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Special Weapons Squad w/3 Meltaguns
20 Conscripts
Valkyrie w/Multiple Rocket Pods
Leman Russ Demolisher w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Manticore w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Manticore w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Andrew E. Sutton's list:
(Wait, isn't that Stelek from Well, no. While Andrew is indeed the Stelek from that site, I feel like I played and hung out with an entirely different person. Andrew was fun, talkative, interactive, and pleasant. A big departure from his Internet persona, in my opinion)
Wolf Guard Battle Leader w/Thunderwolf Mount, Powerfist, Storm Shield
8 Wolf Guard w/8 Combi-Meltas, 2 Powerfists (Fists w/Wolf Scouts, others with Grey Hunters)
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
5 Grey Hunters w/Meltagun
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry w/Powerfist, Storm Shield
1 Thunderwolf Cavalry w/Powerfist, Storm Shield
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs w/4 Missile Launchers
Andrew and I played a Dawn of War, Annihilation as Primary
Our game was captured on the 11th Company Podcast (Which was awesome, BTW)
I went first and Deployed nothing, Andrew deployed a Thunderwolf HQ out of line of sight.
I moved all of my stuff on Turn 1. I went up the middle with all of my vehicles and brought the conscripts in behind them to bubblewrap against the inevitable Wolf Scout bum rush. Andrew then moved his Razorback Horde on the board followed by the Long Fangs. In my first turn, I killed about 3 Long Fangs(?) and nothing else, despite trying very hard. In Andrews next turn, both Wolf Scouts arrived, much to the dismay of the Officer of the Fleet. He destroyed all 3 fliers, Pinned the Special Weapons Team, Exploded a Chimera, killing 7 of the Veterans and breaking them, and then wrecked another Chimera. It was kind of downhill from here. Andrew easily defeated me. (I conceded at the Bottom of Turn 4, or top of Turn 5.)
I made a huge mistake in my deployment. Coming on the board into the center allowed Andrew to get side shots with around 6 Heavy Bolter Razorbacks. They accounted for a lot of the Chimera/Infantry destruction. This was my first game with this complete list. (Although I had played several at 1500) and served as a valuable lesson in what not to do. Had I refused a flank, I could have limited the efficacy of the Heavy Bolter Razorbacks. In the next 8 games, I did not make this mistake again. I actually thanked Andrew on Sunday for that lesson.
Andrew, you were an excellent opponent, and it was great to meet you.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
NOVA quick recap.
I am going to expand on this in later posts, but I wanted to quickly recap how I did at NOVA.
On Thursday, I was crushed by Andrew Sutton in my Whiskey Challenge.
On Saturday I went 4-0, putting me into the top 16 bracket for Sunday.
I was the only 4-0 Imperial Guard player.
On Sunday I went 2-2.
So I finished as a Tournament Ace (which I got a cool medal for) and ended the tournament at 6-2.
My losses were to Tony Kopach (in Round 6) and Brad Townsend (aka Hulksmash) in Round 7.
On Thursday, I was crushed by Andrew Sutton in my Whiskey Challenge.
On Saturday I went 4-0, putting me into the top 16 bracket for Sunday.
I was the only 4-0 Imperial Guard player.
On Sunday I went 2-2.
So I finished as a Tournament Ace (which I got a cool medal for) and ended the tournament at 6-2.
My losses were to Tony Kopach (in Round 6) and Brad Townsend (aka Hulksmash) in Round 7.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Mission: Defeat Stelek.
I was lucky enough to be paired against the mighty Stelek (
The masses have demanded that Stelek fall by Footdar.
If I do indeed desire to bring the Footdar (which I have yet to decide) then this is what will be gracing the table.
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Bladestorm, Dual Shuriken Catapults
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Defend, Power Weapon & Shimmershield
10 Guardian Defenders w/Scatter Laser
10 Guardian Defenders w/Scatter Laser
10 Storm Guardians w/2 Flamers
5 Rangers
8 Striking Scorpions w/Exarch, Scorpions Claw, Stalker, Shadowstrike
7 Fire Dragons w/Exarch, Firepike, Crack Shot
7 Harlequins w/6 Harlequins Kisses, Shadowseer
3 Support Weapons w/3 D-Cannons
3 Support Weapons w/3 D-Cannons
3 Dark Reapers w/Exarch, Tempest Launcher, Crack Shot
2000 points
On paper, and on the table, this list frightens absolutely no one. I, on the other hand, have shredded a lot of people with this list. It does have its weaknesses and is not on the high end of the power scale. This list is not forgiving of mistakes.
In any case, I will be happy to discuss the list if anyone desires to hear about how it works.
The masses have demanded that Stelek fall by Footdar.
If I do indeed desire to bring the Footdar (which I have yet to decide) then this is what will be gracing the table.
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Bladestorm, Dual Shuriken Catapults
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Defend, Power Weapon & Shimmershield
10 Guardian Defenders w/Scatter Laser
10 Guardian Defenders w/Scatter Laser
10 Storm Guardians w/2 Flamers
5 Rangers
8 Striking Scorpions w/Exarch, Scorpions Claw, Stalker, Shadowstrike
7 Fire Dragons w/Exarch, Firepike, Crack Shot
7 Harlequins w/6 Harlequins Kisses, Shadowseer
3 Support Weapons w/3 D-Cannons
3 Support Weapons w/3 D-Cannons
3 Dark Reapers w/Exarch, Tempest Launcher, Crack Shot
2000 points
On paper, and on the table, this list frightens absolutely no one. I, on the other hand, have shredded a lot of people with this list. It does have its weaknesses and is not on the high end of the power scale. This list is not forgiving of mistakes.
In any case, I will be happy to discuss the list if anyone desires to hear about how it works.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Welcome Trolls!
I am slated to play Stelek in the Whiskey Challenge at NOVA this year.
Please, unleash your trolling here.
Please, unleash your trolling here.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
FrAG Summer League 2011: 1850 Update
Everyone for the league has submitted their 1850 point lists. I will go through them here and make some comments in Purple. Hopefully this will not hurt anyone's eyes.
First up is my 1850 list (I am still stuck playing Chaos Space Marines)
Chaos Lord w/Terminator Armor, Combi-Melta, Daemon Weapon
10 Chaos Space Marines w/2 Meltaguns
Rhino w/Pintle Combi-Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/2 Plasma Guns
Rhino w/Pintle Combi-Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Flamer, Meltagun, Aspiring Champion, Powerfist
Rhino w/Pintle Combi-Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Flamer, Meltagun, Aspiring Champion, Powerfist
Rhino w/Pintle Combi-Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Plasma Gun, Autocannon, Aspiring Champion
5 Chaos Terminators w/2 Combi-Meltas, Twin Lightning Claws, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/2 Combi-Meltas, Twin Lightning Claws, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/2 Combi-Plasmas, 2 Combi-Flamers, Heavy Flamer, Chainfist
I kept with the terminator theme (I think Chaos Terminators are slightly under-rated).
I decided to include tons more Infantry to help with scoring missions and to provide my army with a bit more staying power by eliminating pricey one-hit targets.
Round 1: PJ Brady in a Seize Ground, Dawn of War
(Space Wolves)
Ragnar Blackmane
Grey Hunters (9)
Grey Hunters (9)
Grey Hunters (9)
Grey Hunters (9)
Wolf Guard (5)
4 Power Fists, 3 Combi Melta
1 Combi Plasma
Wolf Guard (6)
2 Terminators w/ Wolf Claw and Storm Shield
1 Terminator w/ Thunder Hammer Storm shield
1 Terminator w/ Combi Melta, Melta Bombs and Wolf Claw
1 Wolf Guard w/ Combi Melta and Powerfist
1 Arjac Rockfist
Land Raider Redeemer
Multi-Melta, Extra Armor, Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter
Looks kind of like a n00b-hammer list. The strange thing is that the Land Raider may cause me trouble. In reality, there are only 4 Rhinos and a Land Raider with expensive ass stuff inside. I do not really fear this, but 40 Grey Hunters can be a pain for Chaos to get rid of.
Round 2: Chris Sult in a Pitched Battle Annihilation
(Dark Angels)
Belial Master of the Deathwing w/TH&SS
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta & DCW w/Heavy Flamer [Drop Pod]
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta & DCW w/Heavy Flamer [Drop Pod]
Deathwing Squad (5) w/TH&SS, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Apothecary
Deathwing Squad (5) w/TH&SS, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Deathwing Squad (5) w/TH&SS, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Deathwing Squad (5) w/TH&SS, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Deathwing Squad (5) w/SB&PF, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Sgt w/Power Sword, 1w/Chain Fist
Ravenwing Support Squadron Land Speeder w/Multi-melta & Typhoon Missile Launcher
Ravenwing Support Squadron Land Speeder w/Multi-melta & Typhoon Missile Launcher
A pretty standard Deathwing list. With more CSM's in my list I think I will have an easier time, but my victory ultimately depends on Chris failing 2+/3++ saves. Looking at the other players lists, I still expect Chris to go 5-0 again.
Round 3: Pete Daze in a Pitched Battle Annihilation
(Imperial Guard)
Command Squad (135) 1 melta, 3 plasmas, Officer of the Fleet
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Psyker Battle Squad (100) 4 additional psykers
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Psyker Battle Squad (100) 4 additional psykers
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Guardsman Marbo (65)
Veterans (100) 3 meltas
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Veterans (100) 3 meltas
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Veterans (100) 3 meltas
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Veterans (100) 3 meltas
Vendetta (130)
Vendetta (130)
Leman Russ Battle Tank (150)
Leman Russ Battle Tank (150)
Manticore (160)
Pretty standard Guard list. Pete added the psyker battle squads and Marbo to his previous list. The Psyker Battle Squads are awesome against Chaos because we have no Psychic Defense and we do not have ATSKNF (And they shall know no fear). Unless I can kill them quickly, I will have any units fleeing the table...
Round 4: v Leigh Brady in a Spearhead Cleanse (The old 3rd edition mission)
(Space Wolves)
Wolf Lord – 210
Thunder-wolf Mount, Wolf Claw, Runic Armor, Stormshield
Thunder-wolf Cavalry - 265
1 w/ wolf claw, stormshield
1 w/ close combat weapon, stormshield
1 w/ meltabombs, close combat weapon, stormshield
Thunder-wolf Cavalry – 185
1 w/ wolf claw, stormshield
1 w/ meltabombs, close combat weapon, stormshield
Grey Hunters – 155 (10)
2 melta guns
Rhino - 35
Grey Hunters – 155 (10)
2 melta guns
Rhino – 35
Grey Hunters – 155 (10)
2 melta guns
Rhino – 35
Grey Hunters – 155 (10)
2 melta guns
Rhino – 35
Long Fangs – 140 (6)
5 missile launchers, pack leader
Razorback – 75
Twin-linked lascannon
Long Fangs – 140 (6)
5 missile launchers, pack leader
Razorback – 75
Twin-linked lascannon
I would consider this list sub-par. There are a few minor things that are not great in my opinion. The Thunderwolf Cavalry have too many Stormshields and ZERO Powerfists/Thunderhammers. They will get spanked by dreadnoughts. The Wolf Lord should really have Saga of the Bear to prevent Instant Death. The Razorbacks seem a little out of place without scoring units inside of them. This list will likely still crush me though. I cannot deal with the Thunderwolf Cavalry.
Round 5: v Aaron Blough in a Capture and Control Spearhead.
(Blood Angels)
Shield of Sanguinius, Fear of the Darkness
Brother Corbulo-105
2 Sanguinary Priests-150
Lightning Claws, Combi-Meltas
10 Tactical Marines-210
Lascannon, Meltagun
Sergeant- Combi-Melta, Power Weapon, Meltabombs
10 Tactical Marines-210
Lascannon, Meltagun
Sergeant- Combi-Melta, Power Weapon, Meltabombs
10 Tactical Marines-210
Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon
Sergeant- Combi-Plasma, Power Weapon, Meltabombs
10 Tactical Marines-210
Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon
Sergeant- Combi-Plasma, Power Weapon, Meltabombs
10 Devastators-210
4 Missile Launchers
10 Devastators-210
4 Missile Launchers
10 Devastators-210
4 Missile Launchers
This looks like a poor copy of the list that I took to the NOVA open in 2010. It has since become kind of popular in our group. This not good. It looks great and semi-invincible on paper, but the reality is it will fold to a dedicated assault. For example, the Land Raider Wolf list above with Ragnar is going to eat this alive. I will likely struggle until my terminators arrive to take fire. It will all come down to positioning of units in this game.
So these are the next 5 games that I will be playing, I will post updates as they come. (and perhaps battle reports)
First up is my 1850 list (I am still stuck playing Chaos Space Marines)
Chaos Lord w/Terminator Armor, Combi-Melta, Daemon Weapon
10 Chaos Space Marines w/2 Meltaguns
Rhino w/Pintle Combi-Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/2 Plasma Guns
Rhino w/Pintle Combi-Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Flamer, Meltagun, Aspiring Champion, Powerfist
Rhino w/Pintle Combi-Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Flamer, Meltagun, Aspiring Champion, Powerfist
Rhino w/Pintle Combi-Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Plasma Gun, Autocannon, Aspiring Champion
5 Chaos Terminators w/2 Combi-Meltas, Twin Lightning Claws, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/2 Combi-Meltas, Twin Lightning Claws, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/2 Combi-Plasmas, 2 Combi-Flamers, Heavy Flamer, Chainfist
I kept with the terminator theme (I think Chaos Terminators are slightly under-rated).
I decided to include tons more Infantry to help with scoring missions and to provide my army with a bit more staying power by eliminating pricey one-hit targets.
Round 1: PJ Brady in a Seize Ground, Dawn of War
(Space Wolves)
Ragnar Blackmane
Grey Hunters (9)
Grey Hunters (9)
Grey Hunters (9)
Grey Hunters (9)
Wolf Guard (5)
4 Power Fists, 3 Combi Melta
1 Combi Plasma
Wolf Guard (6)
2 Terminators w/ Wolf Claw and Storm Shield
1 Terminator w/ Thunder Hammer Storm shield
1 Terminator w/ Combi Melta, Melta Bombs and Wolf Claw
1 Wolf Guard w/ Combi Melta and Powerfist
1 Arjac Rockfist
Land Raider Redeemer
Multi-Melta, Extra Armor, Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter

Looks kind of like a n00b-hammer list. The strange thing is that the Land Raider may cause me trouble. In reality, there are only 4 Rhinos and a Land Raider with expensive ass stuff inside. I do not really fear this, but 40 Grey Hunters can be a pain for Chaos to get rid of.
Round 2: Chris Sult in a Pitched Battle Annihilation
(Dark Angels)
Belial Master of the Deathwing w/TH&SS
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta & DCW w/Heavy Flamer [Drop Pod]
Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta & DCW w/Heavy Flamer [Drop Pod]
Deathwing Squad (5) w/TH&SS, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Apothecary
Deathwing Squad (5) w/TH&SS, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Deathwing Squad (5) w/TH&SS, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Deathwing Squad (5) w/TH&SS, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Deathwing Squad (5) w/SB&PF, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Sgt w/Power Sword, 1w/Chain Fist
Ravenwing Support Squadron Land Speeder w/Multi-melta & Typhoon Missile Launcher
Ravenwing Support Squadron Land Speeder w/Multi-melta & Typhoon Missile Launcher
A pretty standard Deathwing list. With more CSM's in my list I think I will have an easier time, but my victory ultimately depends on Chris failing 2+/3++ saves. Looking at the other players lists, I still expect Chris to go 5-0 again.
Round 3: Pete Daze in a Pitched Battle Annihilation
(Imperial Guard)
Command Squad (135) 1 melta, 3 plasmas, Officer of the Fleet
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Psyker Battle Squad (100) 4 additional psykers
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Psyker Battle Squad (100) 4 additional psykers
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Guardsman Marbo (65)
Veterans (100) 3 meltas
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Veterans (100) 3 meltas
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Veterans (100) 3 meltas
[Chimera (55) Multi-Laser and Heavy Flamer]
Veterans (100) 3 meltas
Vendetta (130)
Vendetta (130)
Leman Russ Battle Tank (150)
Leman Russ Battle Tank (150)
Manticore (160)
Pretty standard Guard list. Pete added the psyker battle squads and Marbo to his previous list. The Psyker Battle Squads are awesome against Chaos because we have no Psychic Defense and we do not have ATSKNF (And they shall know no fear). Unless I can kill them quickly, I will have any units fleeing the table...
Round 4: v Leigh Brady in a Spearhead Cleanse (The old 3rd edition mission)
(Space Wolves)
Wolf Lord – 210
Thunder-wolf Mount, Wolf Claw, Runic Armor, Stormshield
Thunder-wolf Cavalry - 265
1 w/ wolf claw, stormshield
1 w/ close combat weapon, stormshield
1 w/ meltabombs, close combat weapon, stormshield
Thunder-wolf Cavalry – 185
1 w/ wolf claw, stormshield
1 w/ meltabombs, close combat weapon, stormshield
Grey Hunters – 155 (10)
2 melta guns
Rhino - 35
Grey Hunters – 155 (10)
2 melta guns
Rhino – 35
Grey Hunters – 155 (10)
2 melta guns
Rhino – 35
Grey Hunters – 155 (10)
2 melta guns
Rhino – 35
Long Fangs – 140 (6)
5 missile launchers, pack leader
Razorback – 75
Twin-linked lascannon
Long Fangs – 140 (6)
5 missile launchers, pack leader
Razorback – 75
Twin-linked lascannon
I would consider this list sub-par. There are a few minor things that are not great in my opinion. The Thunderwolf Cavalry have too many Stormshields and ZERO Powerfists/Thunderhammers. They will get spanked by dreadnoughts. The Wolf Lord should really have Saga of the Bear to prevent Instant Death. The Razorbacks seem a little out of place without scoring units inside of them. This list will likely still crush me though. I cannot deal with the Thunderwolf Cavalry.
Round 5: v Aaron Blough in a Capture and Control Spearhead.
(Blood Angels)
Shield of Sanguinius, Fear of the Darkness
Brother Corbulo-105
2 Sanguinary Priests-150
Lightning Claws, Combi-Meltas
10 Tactical Marines-210
Lascannon, Meltagun
Sergeant- Combi-Melta, Power Weapon, Meltabombs
10 Tactical Marines-210
Lascannon, Meltagun
Sergeant- Combi-Melta, Power Weapon, Meltabombs
10 Tactical Marines-210
Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon
Sergeant- Combi-Plasma, Power Weapon, Meltabombs
10 Tactical Marines-210
Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon
Sergeant- Combi-Plasma, Power Weapon, Meltabombs
10 Devastators-210
4 Missile Launchers
10 Devastators-210
4 Missile Launchers
10 Devastators-210
4 Missile Launchers
This looks like a poor copy of the list that I took to the NOVA open in 2010. It has since become kind of popular in our group. This not good. It looks great and semi-invincible on paper, but the reality is it will fold to a dedicated assault. For example, the Land Raider Wolf list above with Ragnar is going to eat this alive. I will likely struggle until my terminators arrive to take fire. It will all come down to positioning of units in this game.
So these are the next 5 games that I will be playing, I will post updates as they come. (and perhaps battle reports)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
FrAG Summer League 2011: Update 7/19/11
I finished the first round of our 3 round summer league.
I played next against Leigh's Drop Pod Space Wolves.
Leigh, in an epic feat of poor rolling, dropped everything down and was able to kill about 3 Chaos Space Marines. (including firing 5 multi-meltas, hitting twice, wounding once, but I 5+ saved) He conceded after the counter-attack.
I then faced the BA list played by Aaron. Due to some odd deep strikes, I was unable to kill Mephiston early with plasma guns. He did die, but not before taking out a Chaos Space Marine squad. The game ended on Turn 5 by a score of 5-6 I think. It was sad because I had terminators in combat with non-power weapon units...
I then finally played against Pete and his Imperial Guard. I deployed first to spread out, Pete did an almost-refused-flank. I deep struck the termies in and went to work on hitting the Chimeras to get easy(er) kill points. I was able to get up in KP's and hide with the majority of my Infantry.
At the end of the first season I end up 3-2-0 but with the most Victory Points Achieved!
Stay tuned for an update of the 1850 round.
I played next against Leigh's Drop Pod Space Wolves.
Leigh, in an epic feat of poor rolling, dropped everything down and was able to kill about 3 Chaos Space Marines. (including firing 5 multi-meltas, hitting twice, wounding once, but I 5+ saved) He conceded after the counter-attack.
I then faced the BA list played by Aaron. Due to some odd deep strikes, I was unable to kill Mephiston early with plasma guns. He did die, but not before taking out a Chaos Space Marine squad. The game ended on Turn 5 by a score of 5-6 I think. It was sad because I had terminators in combat with non-power weapon units...
I then finally played against Pete and his Imperial Guard. I deployed first to spread out, Pete did an almost-refused-flank. I deep struck the termies in and went to work on hitting the Chimeras to get easy(er) kill points. I was able to get up in KP's and hide with the majority of my Infantry.
At the end of the first season I end up 3-2-0 but with the most Victory Points Achieved!
Stay tuned for an update of the 1850 round.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Throne of Skulls Recap: Part 4
The Good, the Bad, and the Drunk.
Okay, so there is a small amount of hoopla around Throne of Skulls. Most of this deals with lack of prize support (The army winners received a framed paper and an invite back to next year, overall winners got trophies)
The Good: The place was awesome. They reserved a huge ballroom inside of the recently renovated Tropicana resort on the Las Vegas strip (That likely was NOT cheap).
There was catered food on the two tournament days, which was EXCELLENT. This was great because food in Vegas is by no means cheap.
The atmosphere was incredible. I was lucky enough to have ~8 friends also going to ToS. That coupled with the laid back resort nature of the place made for an excellent time. I can't really describe it effectively to someone who was not there. It was an awesome time.
The Bad: Pairings and scoring. On the first day, it was possible to get paired against someone you already played. This was corrected on the second day, but in reality it should never have happened. The sportsmanship scoring was kind of bullshit. You could get up to 5 points off of sportsmanship. This could effectively net you an extra win and two draws worth of points. This is how some people won their army despite having a worse record than their peers. The lack of prize support has been spoken about to death so I will not cover it here. I will add that GW put in some serious cash to even get that place.
Terrain: A bastion and two ruins on a Realm of Battle Table? You need more fucking terrain. Why do you think I had a field day with guard? Making hills 6+ area doesn't count.
The Drunk: Having a bar with 2 for 1 cocktails (cheap ones too) was an excellent way to bond and energize the gaming floor. There were no disruptions or anything of that kind during the tournament. I thought this was an excellent addition to an already fun tournament.
Okay, so there is a small amount of hoopla around Throne of Skulls. Most of this deals with lack of prize support (The army winners received a framed paper and an invite back to next year, overall winners got trophies)
The Good: The place was awesome. They reserved a huge ballroom inside of the recently renovated Tropicana resort on the Las Vegas strip (That likely was NOT cheap).
There was catered food on the two tournament days, which was EXCELLENT. This was great because food in Vegas is by no means cheap.
The atmosphere was incredible. I was lucky enough to have ~8 friends also going to ToS. That coupled with the laid back resort nature of the place made for an excellent time. I can't really describe it effectively to someone who was not there. It was an awesome time.
The Bad: Pairings and scoring. On the first day, it was possible to get paired against someone you already played. This was corrected on the second day, but in reality it should never have happened. The sportsmanship scoring was kind of bullshit. You could get up to 5 points off of sportsmanship. This could effectively net you an extra win and two draws worth of points. This is how some people won their army despite having a worse record than their peers. The lack of prize support has been spoken about to death so I will not cover it here. I will add that GW put in some serious cash to even get that place.
Terrain: A bastion and two ruins on a Realm of Battle Table? You need more fucking terrain. Why do you think I had a field day with guard? Making hills 6+ area doesn't count.
The Drunk: Having a bar with 2 for 1 cocktails (cheap ones too) was an excellent way to bond and energize the gaming floor. There were no disruptions or anything of that kind during the tournament. I thought this was an excellent addition to an already fun tournament.
Kill Team

So, I downloaded this over xbox live (AFAIK the only media where it is available) and was surprised by how low the cost was (only around $10) and how much fun the game is.
I like how you have your choice of marine types, weapon and perk options, and the different chapters that you can choose from.
The game itself is pretty fun, it is a generic scrolling button masher kind of game. The only downside is that there is no option for co-op play over xbox live. (co-op can still be done on a local machine)
I only finished the first level, but all in all, for $10 I feel like I got a great value. I recommend this game
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Throne of Skulls Recap: Part 3
Looks like this is going to be a 4 or 5 part review because I just got an e-mail from GW containing the tournament spreadsheet. Now for some data mining.
First thing is that I missed the "Skulltaker" award by 154 Victory Points, which is bittersweet because I "pulled some punches" in my later games. (that is to say, I did not try for a full tabling)
But the guy that won (Matt Cassidy) was a cool dude so I didn't feel bad about the prize going to him. He definitely worked for it and earned it.
I counted the number of players for each army and broke down the W-L-D records.
Black Templars - 1 Player: (0-3-2) Despite having zero wins, this guy wins "Best Templar player"!
Blood Angels - 6 Players: (14-15-1)
Chaos Space Marines - 7 Players: (14-16-5)
Chaos Daemons - 3 Players: (5-9-1)
Dark Angels - 4 Players: (9-7-4)
Dark Eldar - 5 Players: (14-7-4)
Eldar - 10 Players: (23-23-3)
Grey Knights - 4 Players: (12-6-1)
Imperial Guard - 11 Players: (22-21-12)
Necrons - 4 Players: (4-12-4)
Orks - 5 Players: (17-5-3)
Space Marines - 10 Players: (20-22-6)
Space Wolves - 10 Players: (20-22-7)
Tau - 4 Players: (7-9-4)
Tyranids - 4 Players: (7-9-4)
Witch Hunters - 4 Players: (8-9-3)
As you can see, most of the armies tended to average out to an equal win-loss ratio. There are, of course, some notable exceptions. Necrons really got their asses handed to them, which is to be expected of the current "worst codex in 40k". Grey Knights and orks especially showed resounding strength in the ability to kick ass!
I will post the top 10 or so placing players in anther update.
First thing is that I missed the "Skulltaker" award by 154 Victory Points, which is bittersweet because I "pulled some punches" in my later games. (that is to say, I did not try for a full tabling)
But the guy that won (Matt Cassidy) was a cool dude so I didn't feel bad about the prize going to him. He definitely worked for it and earned it.
I counted the number of players for each army and broke down the W-L-D records.
Black Templars - 1 Player: (0-3-2) Despite having zero wins, this guy wins "Best Templar player"!
Blood Angels - 6 Players: (14-15-1)
Chaos Space Marines - 7 Players: (14-16-5)
Chaos Daemons - 3 Players: (5-9-1)
Dark Angels - 4 Players: (9-7-4)
Dark Eldar - 5 Players: (14-7-4)
Eldar - 10 Players: (23-23-3)
Grey Knights - 4 Players: (12-6-1)
Imperial Guard - 11 Players: (22-21-12)
Necrons - 4 Players: (4-12-4)
Orks - 5 Players: (17-5-3)
Space Marines - 10 Players: (20-22-6)
Space Wolves - 10 Players: (20-22-7)
Tau - 4 Players: (7-9-4)
Tyranids - 4 Players: (7-9-4)
Witch Hunters - 4 Players: (8-9-3)
As you can see, most of the armies tended to average out to an equal win-loss ratio. There are, of course, some notable exceptions. Necrons really got their asses handed to them, which is to be expected of the current "worst codex in 40k". Grey Knights and orks especially showed resounding strength in the ability to kick ass!
I will post the top 10 or so placing players in anther update.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Mechanized Eldar
While I was at the Throne of Skulls tournament, I saw a surprising amount of Eldar players.
I also saw a surprising amount of Eldar lists that looked rather awful.
There was Foot Eldar (FootDar), Mechanized Eldar (MechDar), and hybrids of the two.
It is no secret that the Eldar codex is on the low side of the codex power curve.
While I think they can still compete against any balanced list, they will have trouble against lists with a lot of redundancy. (Hordes, Vehicles spam)
So, anyways, it got me to thinking about how competitive I can make a MechDar list (I have been playing Eldar on and off since 3rd Edition.)
Here is what I came up with (and why) to use at 2000 points.
Autarch w/Fusion Gun, Scorpion Chainsword, Mandiblaster
-The Autarch gives this list 4 things. He allows for more reliable reserve rolls, he provides a much needed anti-tank shot (and can even be a sacrificial unit), he gives a leadership boost to whatever squad he joins (usually the Storm guardians or tarpit Dire Avengers), and finally he can put out 5 S4 attacks at high initiative (useful for getting the last couple kills on a 5 man MEQ squad).
Farseer w/Runes of Warding, Fortune
-The Farseer is the absolute best in force multiplication/psychic defense for his cost. Runes of warding is not just a psychic defense, it can actually be a deterrent to the use of psychic powers. I can use fortune in conjunction with the 10-man Dire Avenger squad to make quite a formidable tarpit.
10 Storm Guardians w/2 Flamers, Warlock, Destructor
-These guys will usually be joined by the Autarch or Farseer for a boost to their Leadership. Their job is to jump out, flame units, and then assault (if the outcome seems favorable).
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Eldar Missile Launcher
-One of the best transports in the game. I recently began using the Eldar Missile Launcher as a cheaper alternative to the Bright Lance. The Missile Launcher also provides some anti-infantry duality if I need it. I will also tank shock the crap out of any vulnerable Infantry units.
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Power Weapon & Shimmershield, Defend
-These guys provide the bulk of my anti-infantry firepower. When combined with the Farseer and fortune, these guys can make an Epic Tarpit thanks to Defend and the Shimmershield.
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Eldar Missile Launcher
-See previous Entry
5 Dire Avengers
5 Dire Avengers
5 Dire Avengers
-These guys hang out in the Falcons, making them scoring units. They only disembark when absolutely necessary, as 5 T3 models tend not to last long when they can be shot or assaulted.
5 Fire Dragons
-The only reliable anti-tank/anti-Heavy Infantry/anti-Monstrous Creature unit in the codex. You absolutely need to spam these. They get out of their ride and things die. Then, usually so do the Fire Dragons.
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers
-Primary goal: Deliver Fire Dragons. Secondary goal: provide suppressing fire (to vehicles) or kill infantry (by shooting or tank shock)
5 Fire Dragons
-See above
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers
-See above
5 Fire Dragons
-See above
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers
-See above
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
-This guys job is to be a pain in the ass the entire game. He fires 3 S8 shots (albeit at BS3...) and is statistically likely to take a serious pounding before being destroyed. And no, I am not above ramming other vehicles at full speed, in the side armor.
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
-See above
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
-See above
So, when you build a list I find it very helpful (almost mandatory) to discuss its strengths and weaknesses, both as a whole and on an army-by-army basis.
Strengths: Mobility. Unless horribly out-ranged, Mechdar decide where the fight happens. We are FAST. We can descend upon an enemy army quickly.
Weaknesses: Overpriced units put us on the low end of the firepower/efficacy scale. Eldar can easily be overwhelmed by mass of units in an opposing army. Facing 3 6-man Long Fang squads will usually put a hurting on Mechdar. We are fragile. Not as fragile as non-FNP Dark Eldar, but when our transports blow up, we take casualties. Unless we have Fire Dragons, we are not great at blowing up vehicles.
Wow: a lot of weaknesses, which is expected of an older codex. (If you haven't noticed units get cheaper with each codex, so you can include more model$ in your armie$.) We need to make up for this with a good game plan.
Game plan time. There are basically two types of missions in 40k, killing more of your opponents units (through VP's or KP's) or trying to get scoring units somewhere, while keeping your opponents scoring units out of those places. (Objectives, Table Quarters, etc...)
Killing: The first rule of winning games with Eldar is "sometimes, you need to hide like coward". Whether you have exposed infantry hiding out of LoS or you have your entire army hiding in reserve, do not fight fire with fire. If you are out-gunned, stay away from the guns. If a powerhouse unit is barrelling towards you, run. As the Imperial Guard (and Crystals) say (a do) run, run, run. Kill things that are east to kill, rely on your Energy Shields/Holo-Fields and turbo boosting to keep you safe.
Objectives: Decide how many you need to win, take that many. If your opponent is light on troops, take them out, forcing your opponent to play for a draw. If he is heavy on troops, focus on contesting at the end of the game. (even use the "triangle shuffle" if you so desire) (I need to remind myself to make a post about the triangle shuffle) Remember, a short game can be to your advantage, a non-random game length, also to your advantage. I recommend practicing with tank shock, it pays to do it right.
MechDar are clearly a challenging army to play in 5th edition. In every game, you are the underdog. Remember, practice pays off.
I also saw a surprising amount of Eldar lists that looked rather awful.
There was Foot Eldar (FootDar), Mechanized Eldar (MechDar), and hybrids of the two.
It is no secret that the Eldar codex is on the low side of the codex power curve.
While I think they can still compete against any balanced list, they will have trouble against lists with a lot of redundancy. (Hordes, Vehicles spam)
So, anyways, it got me to thinking about how competitive I can make a MechDar list (I have been playing Eldar on and off since 3rd Edition.)
Here is what I came up with (and why) to use at 2000 points.
Autarch w/Fusion Gun, Scorpion Chainsword, Mandiblaster
-The Autarch gives this list 4 things. He allows for more reliable reserve rolls, he provides a much needed anti-tank shot (and can even be a sacrificial unit), he gives a leadership boost to whatever squad he joins (usually the Storm guardians or tarpit Dire Avengers), and finally he can put out 5 S4 attacks at high initiative (useful for getting the last couple kills on a 5 man MEQ squad).
Farseer w/Runes of Warding, Fortune
-The Farseer is the absolute best in force multiplication/psychic defense for his cost. Runes of warding is not just a psychic defense, it can actually be a deterrent to the use of psychic powers. I can use fortune in conjunction with the 10-man Dire Avenger squad to make quite a formidable tarpit.
10 Storm Guardians w/2 Flamers, Warlock, Destructor
-These guys will usually be joined by the Autarch or Farseer for a boost to their Leadership. Their job is to jump out, flame units, and then assault (if the outcome seems favorable).
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Eldar Missile Launcher
-One of the best transports in the game. I recently began using the Eldar Missile Launcher as a cheaper alternative to the Bright Lance. The Missile Launcher also provides some anti-infantry duality if I need it. I will also tank shock the crap out of any vulnerable Infantry units.
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Power Weapon & Shimmershield, Defend
-These guys provide the bulk of my anti-infantry firepower. When combined with the Farseer and fortune, these guys can make an Epic Tarpit thanks to Defend and the Shimmershield.
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Eldar Missile Launcher
-See previous Entry
5 Dire Avengers
5 Dire Avengers
5 Dire Avengers
-These guys hang out in the Falcons, making them scoring units. They only disembark when absolutely necessary, as 5 T3 models tend not to last long when they can be shot or assaulted.
5 Fire Dragons
-The only reliable anti-tank/anti-Heavy Infantry/anti-Monstrous Creature unit in the codex. You absolutely need to spam these. They get out of their ride and things die. Then, usually so do the Fire Dragons.
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers
-Primary goal: Deliver Fire Dragons. Secondary goal: provide suppressing fire (to vehicles) or kill infantry (by shooting or tank shock)
5 Fire Dragons
-See above
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers
-See above
5 Fire Dragons
-See above
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers
-See above
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
-This guys job is to be a pain in the ass the entire game. He fires 3 S8 shots (albeit at BS3...) and is statistically likely to take a serious pounding before being destroyed. And no, I am not above ramming other vehicles at full speed, in the side armor.
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
-See above
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
-See above
So, when you build a list I find it very helpful (almost mandatory) to discuss its strengths and weaknesses, both as a whole and on an army-by-army basis.
Strengths: Mobility. Unless horribly out-ranged, Mechdar decide where the fight happens. We are FAST. We can descend upon an enemy army quickly.
Weaknesses: Overpriced units put us on the low end of the firepower/efficacy scale. Eldar can easily be overwhelmed by mass of units in an opposing army. Facing 3 6-man Long Fang squads will usually put a hurting on Mechdar. We are fragile. Not as fragile as non-FNP Dark Eldar, but when our transports blow up, we take casualties. Unless we have Fire Dragons, we are not great at blowing up vehicles.
Wow: a lot of weaknesses, which is expected of an older codex. (If you haven't noticed units get cheaper with each codex, so you can include more model$ in your armie$.) We need to make up for this with a good game plan.
Game plan time. There are basically two types of missions in 40k, killing more of your opponents units (through VP's or KP's) or trying to get scoring units somewhere, while keeping your opponents scoring units out of those places. (Objectives, Table Quarters, etc...)
Killing: The first rule of winning games with Eldar is "sometimes, you need to hide like coward". Whether you have exposed infantry hiding out of LoS or you have your entire army hiding in reserve, do not fight fire with fire. If you are out-gunned, stay away from the guns. If a powerhouse unit is barrelling towards you, run. As the Imperial Guard (and Crystals) say (a do) run, run, run. Kill things that are east to kill, rely on your Energy Shields/Holo-Fields and turbo boosting to keep you safe.
Objectives: Decide how many you need to win, take that many. If your opponent is light on troops, take them out, forcing your opponent to play for a draw. If he is heavy on troops, focus on contesting at the end of the game. (even use the "triangle shuffle" if you so desire) (I need to remind myself to make a post about the triangle shuffle) Remember, a short game can be to your advantage, a non-random game length, also to your advantage. I recommend practicing with tank shock, it pays to do it right.
MechDar are clearly a challenging army to play in 5th edition. In every game, you are the underdog. Remember, practice pays off.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Throne of Skulls Recap: Part 2
Throne of Skulls Part 2: The Photo Journey
I did not take as many pictures as I wanted to in Vegas. (In my defense, Vegas can be kind of distracting) Below are all the armies I took pictures of, I will attach names if I know them.
Al Edel's Imperial Guard
John Hermann's Grey Knights (won Best Grey Knight Player)
Marshall Reeves' Imperial Guard (Best Painted, you can see better shots at GW's website)
Praetorians (There were a LOT of guard at ToS)
Eldar! (Is that a Night Spinner?!? And, yes those are all ForgeWorld Wave Serpents)
Moar Guard!
Wood Elves
Dark Elves
The Army List the accompanies the above Dark Elf army. (Very Cool!)
A very well done Lizardmen Army.
A Nurgle Themed Chaos Space Marine Army
Bretonnians (the glare is kind of obscuring the "Lady of the Lake")
More Lizardmen
Ultramarines masquerading as Deathwing.
White Scars
A nicely painted Eldar Army.
Jump Pack Blood Angels.
Stay tuned for Part 3, where I outline the Pros and Cons of this event.
I did not take as many pictures as I wanted to in Vegas. (In my defense, Vegas can be kind of distracting) Below are all the armies I took pictures of, I will attach names if I know them.

Stay tuned for Part 3, where I outline the Pros and Cons of this event.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Throne of Skulls Recap: Part 1
I plan on doing a Throne of Skulls update in 3 parts:
Part 1: The Tournament
Part 2: The Photo-journey
part 3: General feelings about the Tournament.
Without further ado, here is a brief recap of the 5 games I played during the Throne of Skulls 2011 tournament, held in the Tropicana in Las Vegas, Nevada.
First, a reprint of my Imperial Guard
Company Command w/3 Plasma Guns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Platoon Command w/3 Flamers
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Flamer, Autocannon
Infantry Squad w/Flamer, Autocannon
Special Weapons Squad w/3 Meltaguns
20 Conscripts
Valkyrie w/Multiple Rocket Pods
Game 1: Annihilation, Pitched Battle
Opponent: Adam Gati (His Blog
(I didn't realize this at first, but in this picture you can see my army in the background)
The Twilight Host (1495)
Autarch w/Jetbike, Banshee Mask, Power Weapon, Fusion Gun
Farseer w/Jetbike, Fortune, Eldritch Storm, Spirit Stones, Runes of Warding, Runes of Witnessing
5 Fire Dragons
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones
6 Jetbikes w/2 Shuriken Cannons
5 Dire Avengers
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones
5 Dire Avengers
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones
2 Vypers w/Scatter Laser and Shuriken Cannon
2 Vypers w/Scatter Laser and Shuriken Cannon
Fire Prism
Fire Prism
I won the roll-off to go first and deployed, Adam kept everything in reserves. Sadly, his rolls were all over the place and his army came in piecemeal. His first Fire Prism shot did manage to destroy the Storm Eagle Rocket Launcher (or whatever it is called) off of one of my Manticores.
Adam also used Eldritch Storm to semi-good effect, spinning my vehicles so that he could get rear armor shots on them. Sadly, he was massively outgunned by my Guard, and since his army arrived piecemeal, he could not mount an effective counterattack. A win for the guard.
(I should mention that Adam won Best Eldar player, so after his initial loss to me, he rallied and won most, if not all, of his remaining games. Great job Adam!)
Game 2: Seize Ground (5 Objectives), Spearhead
Opponent: Alex Yuen
Eldar - 1499
Prince Yriel
Farseer w/Doom, Runes of Warding
5 Fire Dragons
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons, Shuriken Cannon
8 Howling Banshees w/Exarch, Executioner
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons, Shuriken Cannon
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Bladestorm, Defend, Power Weapon & Shimmershield
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons, Shuriken Cannon
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Dual Catapults, Bladestorm
10 Guardians w/Scatter Laser
5 Rangers
5 Warp Spiders
War Walker w/2 Scatter Lasers
I again won the roll-off, tactically placed objectives and then deployed my units in my board quarter. (For the second game in a row, my conscripts hid inside a Bastion) Alex deployed everything on the board except his Warp Spiders. Everything was behind a Skyshield Landing Pad in his quarter. I scouted my Valkyrie and Vendettas forward and worked on picking off scoring units. My Manticores hammered his Wave Serpents from afar, eventually destroying all but the banshee Serpent (that I kind of ignored, as I am Meched up) With the exception of Yriel, who killed a Chimera, Alex was not able to do much to my Vehicles with S6 weapons. He conceded during turn 4 or 5 when I had wiped out most of his units.
Game 3: Capture and Control (Capture the Draw), Dawn of War
Opponent: Tony Grippando
(Sadly, I did not get a picture of Tony's army)
1500 Orks
Big Mek w/Kustom Force Field
8 Lootas
8 Lootas
30 Boys w/Nob, Power Claw, Bosspole
30 Boys w/Nob, Power Claw, Bosspole
30 Boys w/Nob, Power Claw, Bosspole
29 Boys w/Nob, Power Claw, Bosspole
10 Boys w/Nob, Bosspole
Tony was a very orky dude. His models were in bags instead of a case and his army list was a 2x8.5 strip of paper. I put him down as favorite opponent. We basically both realized that this would be a draw and each of us played "not to lose". We got a good number of Victory points from each other, but in the end, the game ended in a 1-1 draw. At this point, thanks to the in-room bar, we were both a little "saucy".
At the end of Day 1, I am 2-0-1. Awesome! I can't possibly have a losing weekend, so needless to say, I am pretty psyched for day two.
Game 4: Annihilation, Spearhead
Opponent: Patrick Kendall
Patrick is a Vegas local and a pastry chef. He is my second ork opponent this tournament.
1500 Orks
Big Mek w/Kustom Force Field, Bosspole, Eavy Armor
30 Shoota Boys w/3 Big Shootas, Nob, Powerclaw, Bosspole, Eavy Armor
30 Shoota Boys w/3 Big Shootas, Nob, Powerclaw, Bosspole, Eavy Armor
20 Slugga Boys w/Nob, Powerclaw, Bosspole, Eavy Armor
10 Grots w/Runt Herder
15 Lootas
15 Lootas
Battlewagon w/Deff Rolla, Armor Plates, Red Paint Job, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers
Battlewagon w/Deff Rolla, Armor Plates, Red Paint Job, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers
I rolled a "2" for my roll to go first, sadly, Patrick rolled a "1"...
I deployed everything in my board quarter (which left Patrick with a rather barren Deployment Zone). Patrick deployed only his lootas, keeping everything else in reserve. In my first turn, I pinned a squad of lootas and the other one ran of the board. In turn 2, I killed the rest of the lootas. It was downhill from there for Patrick. He came on piecemeal, and had no ranged firepower to deal with my shooting. I was also able to "tactically withdraw" (run away) to avoid his foot rush. Another victory for the guard.
Game 5: Seize Ground (5 Objectives), Pitched Battle
Opponent: Russel Jacobson
(Sadly I have no picture)
1500 - Space Wolves
Rune Priest w/Chooser of the Slain, Wolf Tail Talisman, Jaws of the World Wolf, Living Lightning
8 Grey Hunters w/Wolf Standard, Meltagun, Power Weapon
9 Grey Hunters w/Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Power Weapon, Meltagun
9 Grey Hunters w/Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Power Weapon, Meltagun
9 Grey Hunters w/Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Power Weapon, Meltagun
Land Speeder w/Typhoon Missile Launcher
Land Speeder w/Typhoon Missile Launcher
6 Long Fangs w/5 Missile Launchers
5 Wolf Guardw/Terminator Armor, Cyclone, 4 Powerfists, 4 Combi-Meltas
So, I rolled a "3", and Russell rolled a "2". Talk about bad luck for the wolves. I deployed everything except the conscripts on my side. Russell deployed everything. The rhinos were in a 4-square, the speeders hiding behind a ruin, and the long fangs were deployed in a crater. The wolf guard, of course, split up to join each squad. I executed a textbook Alpha Strike. (I was later asked what textbook I read, by some smartass. I may now be required to write a textbook on Alpha Striking so that I can use it as a reference) I rolled well and destroyed the speeders, all four Rhinos, one long fang plus the pack leader, and a couple of Grey Hunters. The game really ended here for Russell, I just spent the next 5 turns killing everything except the two Grey Hunters left at the end.
Between Russel and Patrick, I only gave up 130 Victory points, I wish there had been a prize for fewest VP given up, but there wasn't.
So, I end the tournament at 4-0-1. While not good enough for best overall, I did receive:

Next up, Part 2.
Part 1: The Tournament
Part 2: The Photo-journey
part 3: General feelings about the Tournament.
Without further ado, here is a brief recap of the 5 games I played during the Throne of Skulls 2011 tournament, held in the Tropicana in Las Vegas, Nevada.
First, a reprint of my Imperial Guard
Company Command w/3 Plasma Guns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Platoon Command w/3 Flamers
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Flamer, Autocannon
Infantry Squad w/Flamer, Autocannon
Special Weapons Squad w/3 Meltaguns
20 Conscripts
Valkyrie w/Multiple Rocket Pods
Game 1: Annihilation, Pitched Battle
Opponent: Adam Gati (His Blog

The Twilight Host (1495)
Autarch w/Jetbike, Banshee Mask, Power Weapon, Fusion Gun
Farseer w/Jetbike, Fortune, Eldritch Storm, Spirit Stones, Runes of Warding, Runes of Witnessing
5 Fire Dragons
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones
6 Jetbikes w/2 Shuriken Cannons
5 Dire Avengers
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones
5 Dire Avengers
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones
2 Vypers w/Scatter Laser and Shuriken Cannon
2 Vypers w/Scatter Laser and Shuriken Cannon
Fire Prism
Fire Prism
I won the roll-off to go first and deployed, Adam kept everything in reserves. Sadly, his rolls were all over the place and his army came in piecemeal. His first Fire Prism shot did manage to destroy the Storm Eagle Rocket Launcher (or whatever it is called) off of one of my Manticores.
Adam also used Eldritch Storm to semi-good effect, spinning my vehicles so that he could get rear armor shots on them. Sadly, he was massively outgunned by my Guard, and since his army arrived piecemeal, he could not mount an effective counterattack. A win for the guard.
(I should mention that Adam won Best Eldar player, so after his initial loss to me, he rallied and won most, if not all, of his remaining games. Great job Adam!)
Game 2: Seize Ground (5 Objectives), Spearhead
Opponent: Alex Yuen

Prince Yriel
Farseer w/Doom, Runes of Warding
5 Fire Dragons
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons, Shuriken Cannon
8 Howling Banshees w/Exarch, Executioner
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons, Shuriken Cannon
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Bladestorm, Defend, Power Weapon & Shimmershield
Wave Serpent w/Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannons, Shuriken Cannon
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Dual Catapults, Bladestorm
10 Guardians w/Scatter Laser
5 Rangers
5 Warp Spiders
War Walker w/2 Scatter Lasers
I again won the roll-off, tactically placed objectives and then deployed my units in my board quarter. (For the second game in a row, my conscripts hid inside a Bastion) Alex deployed everything on the board except his Warp Spiders. Everything was behind a Skyshield Landing Pad in his quarter. I scouted my Valkyrie and Vendettas forward and worked on picking off scoring units. My Manticores hammered his Wave Serpents from afar, eventually destroying all but the banshee Serpent (that I kind of ignored, as I am Meched up) With the exception of Yriel, who killed a Chimera, Alex was not able to do much to my Vehicles with S6 weapons. He conceded during turn 4 or 5 when I had wiped out most of his units.
Game 3: Capture and Control (Capture the Draw), Dawn of War
Opponent: Tony Grippando
(Sadly, I did not get a picture of Tony's army)
1500 Orks
Big Mek w/Kustom Force Field
8 Lootas
8 Lootas
30 Boys w/Nob, Power Claw, Bosspole
30 Boys w/Nob, Power Claw, Bosspole
30 Boys w/Nob, Power Claw, Bosspole
29 Boys w/Nob, Power Claw, Bosspole
10 Boys w/Nob, Bosspole
Tony was a very orky dude. His models were in bags instead of a case and his army list was a 2x8.5 strip of paper. I put him down as favorite opponent. We basically both realized that this would be a draw and each of us played "not to lose". We got a good number of Victory points from each other, but in the end, the game ended in a 1-1 draw. At this point, thanks to the in-room bar, we were both a little "saucy".
At the end of Day 1, I am 2-0-1. Awesome! I can't possibly have a losing weekend, so needless to say, I am pretty psyched for day two.
Game 4: Annihilation, Spearhead
Opponent: Patrick Kendall

1500 Orks
Big Mek w/Kustom Force Field, Bosspole, Eavy Armor
30 Shoota Boys w/3 Big Shootas, Nob, Powerclaw, Bosspole, Eavy Armor
30 Shoota Boys w/3 Big Shootas, Nob, Powerclaw, Bosspole, Eavy Armor
20 Slugga Boys w/Nob, Powerclaw, Bosspole, Eavy Armor
10 Grots w/Runt Herder
15 Lootas
15 Lootas
Battlewagon w/Deff Rolla, Armor Plates, Red Paint Job, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers
Battlewagon w/Deff Rolla, Armor Plates, Red Paint Job, Big Shoota, Grot Riggers
I rolled a "2" for my roll to go first, sadly, Patrick rolled a "1"...
I deployed everything in my board quarter (which left Patrick with a rather barren Deployment Zone). Patrick deployed only his lootas, keeping everything else in reserve. In my first turn, I pinned a squad of lootas and the other one ran of the board. In turn 2, I killed the rest of the lootas. It was downhill from there for Patrick. He came on piecemeal, and had no ranged firepower to deal with my shooting. I was also able to "tactically withdraw" (run away) to avoid his foot rush. Another victory for the guard.
Game 5: Seize Ground (5 Objectives), Pitched Battle
Opponent: Russel Jacobson
(Sadly I have no picture)
1500 - Space Wolves
Rune Priest w/Chooser of the Slain, Wolf Tail Talisman, Jaws of the World Wolf, Living Lightning
8 Grey Hunters w/Wolf Standard, Meltagun, Power Weapon
9 Grey Hunters w/Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Power Weapon, Meltagun
9 Grey Hunters w/Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Power Weapon, Meltagun
9 Grey Hunters w/Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Power Weapon, Meltagun
Land Speeder w/Typhoon Missile Launcher
Land Speeder w/Typhoon Missile Launcher
6 Long Fangs w/5 Missile Launchers
5 Wolf Guardw/Terminator Armor, Cyclone, 4 Powerfists, 4 Combi-Meltas
So, I rolled a "3", and Russell rolled a "2". Talk about bad luck for the wolves. I deployed everything except the conscripts on my side. Russell deployed everything. The rhinos were in a 4-square, the speeders hiding behind a ruin, and the long fangs were deployed in a crater. The wolf guard, of course, split up to join each squad. I executed a textbook Alpha Strike. (I was later asked what textbook I read, by some smartass. I may now be required to write a textbook on Alpha Striking so that I can use it as a reference) I rolled well and destroyed the speeders, all four Rhinos, one long fang plus the pack leader, and a couple of Grey Hunters. The game really ended here for Russell, I just spent the next 5 turns killing everything except the two Grey Hunters left at the end.
Between Russel and Patrick, I only gave up 130 Victory points, I wish there had been a prize for fewest VP given up, but there wasn't.
So, I end the tournament at 4-0-1. While not good enough for best overall, I did receive:

Next up, Part 2.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Defenders of Miler Voles
I have decided on a name for my imperial guard regiment, "The Defenders of Miler Voles".
Miler Voles is a fictional planet, and to my knowledge not mentioned in GW fluff.
My paint scheme comes from the cover of "Codex: Battlezones, Cityfight" which was the precursor to "Cities of Death". It is this book that made me want to originally play Imperial Guard. The thought of massed Infantry overwhelming opponents really appealed to me as a player. Sadly, an all Infantry Imperial Guard army is not very competitive under the current codex, so I opted for a more mechanized list.
1500 -The Defenders of Miler Voles
Command Squad w/3 Plasma Guns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Platoon Command w/3 Flamers
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Special Weapons Squad w/3 Meltaguns
20 Conscripts
Valkyire w/Multiple Rocket Pods
Tomorrow, these brave soldiers will be going to Las Vegas, Nevada to compete in the "Throne of Skulls" tournament that will take place this weekend. I will try to blog as much as I can during my stay.
Miler Voles is a fictional planet, and to my knowledge not mentioned in GW fluff.
My paint scheme comes from the cover of "Codex: Battlezones, Cityfight" which was the precursor to "Cities of Death". It is this book that made me want to originally play Imperial Guard. The thought of massed Infantry overwhelming opponents really appealed to me as a player. Sadly, an all Infantry Imperial Guard army is not very competitive under the current codex, so I opted for a more mechanized list.
1500 -The Defenders of Miler Voles
Command Squad w/3 Plasma Guns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Platoon Command w/3 Flamers
Chimera w/Hull Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon, Flamer
Special Weapons Squad w/3 Meltaguns
20 Conscripts
Valkyire w/Multiple Rocket Pods
Tomorrow, these brave soldiers will be going to Las Vegas, Nevada to compete in the "Throne of Skulls" tournament that will take place this weekend. I will try to blog as much as I can during my stay.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
FrAG Summer League 2011: Update 6/14/11

So, I have gotten in the first two games of the summer league. I did not do battle reports due to time constraints.
First game I played Chris' Deathwing in a Capture and Control. I thought I played this game well, but my list just is not able to do enough damage to 28 wounds worth of 2+/3++ . To top it off, Chris rolled very well and rolled over me. The game ended at the bottom of turn 5. I had one model who was not falling back and an 8-man squad that was falling back near my objective.
Second game I played PJ's Space Wolves in a three objective Seize ground. I baited him into setting up his entire army on the side of the table with one objective. PJ fell for the trap, committing his entire army (Including both wolf scouts to that side of the table. My terminators arrived between where PJ was and where he needed to be. (one squad, sadly, had a mishap and landed in one corner of the table) Once I killed all 40 of his scoring models, he conceded.
So, 1-1-0 so far in the league (which is better than I'd have hoped)
"For the Emperor!" - Alpha Legion Battle Cry.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
FrAG Summer League, 2011

My gaming club, The Frederick Area Gamers (FrAGs) is doing a summer 40k escalation league. There are 6 participants in the league and games will be played at 1500, 1850, and 2250 point levels. Below are the lists and player for the 1500 point leg of the league. I will post the lists and provide comments in red.
Mike Somerville (Me) (Chaos Space Marines)
Chaos Lord w/Terminator Upgrade, Combi-Melta, Daemon Weapon
10 Chaos Space Marines w/2 Meltaguns
Rhino w/Pintle Twin-linked Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Meltagun, Flamer, Aspiring Champion, Powerfist
Rhino w/Pintle Twin-linked Bolter
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Autocannon, Plasma Gun
5 Chaos Terminators w/Twin Lightning Claws, 2 Combi-Meltas, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/Twin Lightning Claws, 2 Combi-Meltas, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/2 Combi-Flamers, 2 Combi-Plasmas, Heavy Flamer, Chainfist
Chaos Predator w/Lascannon Sponsons
(10 KP, 3 Scoring Units)
I know this list is not very good, I built it as kind of a fluff Alpha Legion list. The idea was to "fight like the hydra" and have a combination of deep strikers, mobility, and long range firepower. The league will give me incentive to get all the plastic off of the sprues.
Leigh Brady (Space Wolves)
Logan Grimnar
9 Wolf Guard w/3 Combi-Plasmas, 2 Combi-Meltas, 1 Wolf Claw, 1 Terminator Armor w/Storm Bolter and Powerfist
Drop Pod
9 Wolf Guard w/3 Combi-Plasmas, 2 Combi-Meltas, 1 Wolf Claw, 1 Terminator Armor w/Storm Bolter and Powerfist
Drop Pod
9 Wolf Guard w/2 Combi-Plasmas, 3 Combi-Meltas, 1 Wolf Claw, 1 Terminator Armor w/Storm Bolter and Powerfist
Drop Pod
9 Wolf Guard w/2 Combi-Plasmas, 2 Combi-Meltas, 1 Wolf Claw, 1 Terminator Armor w/Storm Bolter and Powerfist
Drop Pod
6 Long Fangs w/5 Multi-Meltas
Drop Pod
(11 KP, 4 Scoring Units)
Kind of an odd drop list. Special Characters tend to do well in smaller games, as opponents generally have less units to combat them. Leigh will do well in Objective games and against opponents who do not know how to reserve. The Terminator Armor to soak up Krak Missile hits is a nice touch.
Aaron Blough (Blood Angels)
9 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol, Powerfist, Meltabombs
9 Assault Marines w/Meltagun, Infernus Pistol, Powerfist, Meltabombs
10 Tactical Marines w/Meltagun, Multi-Melta, Combi-Melta
Furioso Librarian Dreadnought w/Wings of Sanguinius, Blood Lance
Furioso Librarian Dreadnought w/Wings of Sanguinius, Blood Lance
2 Saguinary Priests w/2 Combi-Meltas, 2 Lightning Claws
(11-12KP, 3-4 Scoring Units)
A deceptive assault list. This will cause people trouble who did not plan on how to handle Mephiston, 2 Dreadnoughts, and 30 FNP Marines showing up on their doorstep.
Pete Daze (Imperial Guard)
Company Command Squad w/Meltagun, 2 Plasma Guns, Officer of the Fleet
Chimera w/Multi-Laser, Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Multi-Laser, Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Multi-Laser, Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Multi-Laser, Heavy Flamer
10 Veterans w/3 Meltaguns
Leman Russ Main Battle Tank w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Leman Russ Main Battle Tank w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons
(14KP, 4 Scoring Units)
Guard are very good at lower point levels, this list showcases that. 13 Meltaguns? Booya.
Chris Sult (Dark Angels)
Belial w/Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield
5 Deathwing Terminators w/5 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Apothecary
5 Deathwing Terminators w/5 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Cyclone Missile Launcher
5 Deathwing Terminators w/5 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Cyclone Missile Launcher
5 Deathwing Terminators w/5 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, Cyclone Missile Launcher
5 Deathwing Terminators w/3 Chainfists, Cyclone Missile Launcher
Land Speeder w/Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher
Land Speeder w/Multi-Melta, Typhoon Missile Launcher
(8 KP, 5 Scoring Units)
Cheap (relatively) and effective. People are going to have trouble against this. 5 Scoring units using a 4+1 build will be super effective.
PJ Brady (Space Wolves)
Wolf Lord w/Storm Shield, Wolf Claw, Thunderwolf Mount
10 Grey Hunters w/2 Meltaguns, Powerfist
10 Grey Hunters w/2 Meltaguns, Powerfist
10 Grey Hunters w/2 Meltaguns, Powerfist
10 Grey Hunters w/2 Meltaguns, Powerfist
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun, Meltabomb
5 Wolf Scouts w/Meltagun, Meltabomb
Vindicator w/Extra Armor
Vindicator w/Extra Armor
(13KP, 4 Scoring Units)
Vindicators? Why not Long Fangs or Predators? You aren't playing BA or BT, throw those away. A Wolf Lord without a saga? At least it has 40 Grey Hunters and the always annoying Wolf Scouts. Not a huge fan of the list, but it is still better than mine.
2 Space Wolves
1 Blood Angel
1 Dark Angel
1 Imperial Guard
1 Chaos Space Marine
Here is the Schedule for the 5 rounds of the 1500 leg.
1) Round 1: Seize Ground, Pitched Battle
a. Pete v. Leigh
b. PJ v. Mike
c. Aaron v. Chris
2) Round 2: Capture and Control, Spearhead
a. Pete v. PJ
b. Leigh v. Aaron
c. Mike v. Chris
3) Round 3: Annihilation, Pitched Battle
a. Pete v. Mike
b. Leigh v. Chris
c. PJ v. Aaron
4) Round 4: Capture and Control, Dawn of War
a. Pete v. Aaron
b. Leigh v. Mike
c. PJ v. Chris
5) Round 5: Annihilation, Dawn of War
a. Pete v. Chris
b. Leigh v. PJ
c. Mike v. Aaron
I will keep you guys updated.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Thoughts on the Blood Angels Stormraven

Fuck yeah!!
Recently I was gifted with two Stormravens as part of a prize package. I plan to incorporate them into my Blood Angels forces. I have a few questions. How do I use them? What options should I give them?
Let us first brainstorm how they can be used. To me, it feels that if I put ANY unit inside of one, the Stormravens become an instant target. The lure of killing a 200+ point model and making a (probable) 200+ point unit walk is too good a choice to pass up for any opponent. I cannot, in good conscience, use them as transport vehicles, especially not for expensive, ass-kicking units.
My other option, and one that appeals to me, is to use them as their full name suggests, as a Stormraven Gunship.
So, what are the best options for a gunship?
Let's start by listing what it is already equipped with.
Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter (36" S5 AP4 Heavy 3)
Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (24" S6 AP4 Heavy 4, Rending)
Four Bloodstrike Missiles (72" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, One-shot)
It has power of the Machine Spirit
And now the options.
- Replace Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter with Twin-Linked Multi-Melta (free) or Typhoon Missile Launcher (moderate cost)
- Replace Twin-Linked Assault Cannon with Twin-Linked Plasma Cannon (free) or Twin-Linked Lascannon (free)
- Take Side sponsons with Hurricane Bolters (moderate cost)
- Typhoon Missile Launcher, Twin-Linked Lascannon (225 points)
- Twin-Linked Assault Cannon, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta, and Hurricane Bolters (230)
The second option is used as a close range platform that can engage Vehicles, Monstrous Creatures, or Infantry. It can put out 6-12 TL S4 AP5, 4 TL S6 AP4 rending, and a TL S8 AP1 melta shot a turn at two targets when moving 12 or less. If it moves less than 12, it can also add Bloodstrike missiles.
Which of these I decide upon will be based on the lists that I include them in. I will crack the boxes open sometime to see if full magnetization is possible.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Infantry: Painted
I have finished all of the Infantry for my 1500 point Imperial Guard army.
Pictured: 20 Conscripts, Company Command with 3 Plasma Guns, 10 Veterans with 3 Meltaguns, a Platoon Command with 3 flamers, two Infantry squads with Autocannon and Flamer, and a Special Weapons Squad with 3 Meltaguns.

All I have left are 5 Chimeras, 2 Manticores, and 2 Vendettas. Updates of my progress will follow.
Pictured: 20 Conscripts, Company Command with 3 Plasma Guns, 10 Veterans with 3 Meltaguns, a Platoon Command with 3 flamers, two Infantry squads with Autocannon and Flamer, and a Special Weapons Squad with 3 Meltaguns.

All I have left are 5 Chimeras, 2 Manticores, and 2 Vendettas. Updates of my progress will follow.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Valkyrie: Painted
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Getting Tactical: Issues with Assault Marines
When I am not playing 40k, painting, modeling, etc; I am thinking about 40k.
Always thinking.
I don't think I am going to use Assault Marines anymore in a Mechanized Blood Angels army.
Hear me out. First a nice image by a guy named Scarecrovv.

The Tactical Marine has been a battlefield staple of mine ever since Codex: Angels of Death (Second Edition for you younger folks).
Why am I making this switch? Simple answer, the Tactical Marine gives me Tactical Options.
This is why Grey Hunters, Plague Marines, and Grey Knights are such good Troops choices, they give you flexibility.
All too often have I faced an enemy unit with my Assault Marines and knew I only had one option, to assault. Granted Bolt Pistols are nice, but they are not what I would consider to be a strong shooting attack. What happens if my enemy is better in assault than I am? I either run away or I lose a unit. This led me to an obvious truth.
"Assault Marines are useful IF you can kill your enemies in assault."
"Tactical Marines are useful if you can either kill your enemy with shooting OR in assault."
With Tactical Marines, I always have a choice. I made a 1500 List that focuses on the Tactical Marine. I will try to post it and get some games in with it.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Thoughts on Bubblewrapping Imperial Guard
In my quest to playtest the hell out of my imperial guard list, I find that there are some issues with the list.
I was always worried about armies that Deep Strike MEQ infantry right into me. When I played this list at 2k, it was back before Grey Knights when I still had access to cheap, awesome, Deep Strike defense. I have since lost that particular form of defense (I am talking about Mystics, of course). I has assumed that I could instead reserve everything and come out blazing in firepower. After some practice games, I found out that reserving was not a viable option.
I need to find an in-game alternative. The alternative needs to fulfill the following goals.
This squad (at 80 points) is cheap, they can cover 58 inches of the board and their woeful ld5 means that they will likely break from combat, even if they lose by 1.
I am going to try some different deployment options with these guys and hopefully post what I have accomplished.
I was always worried about armies that Deep Strike MEQ infantry right into me. When I played this list at 2k, it was back before Grey Knights when I still had access to cheap, awesome, Deep Strike defense. I have since lost that particular form of defense (I am talking about Mystics, of course). I has assumed that I could instead reserve everything and come out blazing in firepower. After some practice games, I found out that reserving was not a viable option.
I need to find an in-game alternative. The alternative needs to fulfill the following goals.
- Keep enough distance so that meltaguns do not get 2d6 pen versus my tanks.
- Be able to cover a good distance
- Be able to take an assault and lose gracefully. (i.e. lose consistently)
This squad (at 80 points) is cheap, they can cover 58 inches of the board and their woeful ld5 means that they will likely break from combat, even if they lose by 1.
I am going to try some different deployment options with these guys and hopefully post what I have accomplished.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Grey Knights
The second game I played on Saturday saw me face off against Grey Knights. I am still using Vegas List 6. I may be kind of drunk in this video, sorry in advance.
Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Blood Angels
Over the weekend, I met up with a couple guys and played two games. Here is the first. I am using Vegas List 6. (Mech Imperial Guard)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Analysis of Razorspam
As you can undoubtedly tell by Battle Report 3 (BR3), I am kind of a n00b when it comes to playing Razorspam. I have been using Rhinos since they were extremely effective in 3rd edition. I love the Rhino, but the Razorback is a foreign tank to me. I definitely did not use it well in BR3.
The game was a Spearhead Annihilation against psycannon heavy Grey Knights, an army that is excellent in hanging out at midfield and kicking ass. I tried to rely on three things to win this game, 1)The range of my predators and Las/Plas Razors to kill terminators, 2) my assault cannons to open up the Rhinos, and 3) My flamestorm cannons to roast Power Armored Infantry.
This, obvious to me now, did not work out. The reasons are as follows.
Tactically, I could have done a few things differently. I could have put my predators in the front to screen my razorbacks, the psycannon is not nearly as effective against the front armor of a predator as it was against the razors. This might have given my Razorbacks more chances to fire. The predators did not perform greatly, perhaps I was too static with them. I do not think it would have been enough though. I think I need a modify my list a bit.
The flamestorm cannons need to go. I need TLAC/HB Baals. I need the ranged anti-Infantry firepower. I decided to drop the Melta squad in TLAC razorback. With the points I save I am able to convert both Baals to TLAC/HB and get another Flamestorm Baal.
I will try to playtest this configuration over the weekend to see how it fares.
The game was a Spearhead Annihilation against psycannon heavy Grey Knights, an army that is excellent in hanging out at midfield and kicking ass. I tried to rely on three things to win this game, 1)The range of my predators and Las/Plas Razors to kill terminators, 2) my assault cannons to open up the Rhinos, and 3) My flamestorm cannons to roast Power Armored Infantry.
This, obvious to me now, did not work out. The reasons are as follows.
- The Grey Knights began the game at midfield, where they are the strongest.
- Every Infantry squad outmatches me in killing power. Psycannons are better at killing Razors than Assault Cannons are at killing Terminators.
- I actually could not out shoot the Grey Knights, nor would I ever be able to out-assault them.
Tactically, I could have done a few things differently. I could have put my predators in the front to screen my razorbacks, the psycannon is not nearly as effective against the front armor of a predator as it was against the razors. This might have given my Razorbacks more chances to fire. The predators did not perform greatly, perhaps I was too static with them. I do not think it would have been enough though. I think I need a modify my list a bit.
The flamestorm cannons need to go. I need TLAC/HB Baals. I need the ranged anti-Infantry firepower. I decided to drop the Melta squad in TLAC razorback. With the points I save I am able to convert both Baals to TLAC/HB and get another Flamestorm Baal.
I will try to playtest this configuration over the weekend to see how it fares.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Battle Report Blood Angels v Grey Knights
Another Battle Report!! I took the BA Razorspam against Tim and his Grey Knights!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Battle Report: Imperial Guard v Blood Angels
Ok, so this is my second attempt. This was recorded in my basement, so the lighting is a bit poor in some places. I will work to rectify that in the future. I have also received a lot of feedback from the first video which I have NOT had a chance to incorporate.
I also rendered this one in HD. Vegas list 2 versus Vegas list 5.
I also rendered this one in HD. Vegas list 2 versus Vegas list 5.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Battle Report: Witch Hunters v Imperial Guard
This is my first BoLS-style video battle report. I am using Vegas List 10.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Vegas List 10, Codex: Witch Hunters
List 10 - Witch Hunters
Palatine w/Book of St. Lucius, Bolt Pistol
5 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers w/2 Meltaguns
5 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers w/2 Meltaguns
5 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers w/2 Plasma Guns
Platoon Command w/2 Flamers
Chimera w/Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon
Heavy Weapons Team w/3 Autocannons
Heavy Weapons Team w/3 Autocannons
5 Dominions w/3 Flamers
Immolator w/Smoke, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Dominions w/3 Flamers
Immolator w/Smoke, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
Immolator w/Smoke
Immolator w/Smoke
Immolator w/Smoke
This list is an MSU 4+2 mech variant. This list is not made of Space Marines (as I discovered in the battle report a few posts ago). Critical placing and use of Chimeras is invaluable. If you make mistakes, this list can fold pretty quickly. The only thing is has over other similar lists is numbers of vehicles. Fast Heavy Flamers are awesome. Autocannons are awesome. It is kind of a utility list, with something for everything without being battle-forcey. I have actually gotten in a battle report with this list and hope to post it soon.
Palatine w/Book of St. Lucius, Bolt Pistol
5 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers w/2 Meltaguns
5 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers w/2 Meltaguns
5 Inquisitorial Storm Troopers w/2 Plasma Guns
Platoon Command w/2 Flamers
Chimera w/Heavy Flamer
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon
Infantry Squad w/Autocannon
Heavy Weapons Team w/3 Autocannons
Heavy Weapons Team w/3 Autocannons
5 Dominions w/3 Flamers
Immolator w/Smoke, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
5 Dominions w/3 Flamers
Immolator w/Smoke, Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
Immolator w/Smoke
Immolator w/Smoke
Immolator w/Smoke
This list is an MSU 4+2 mech variant. This list is not made of Space Marines (as I discovered in the battle report a few posts ago). Critical placing and use of Chimeras is invaluable. If you make mistakes, this list can fold pretty quickly. The only thing is has over other similar lists is numbers of vehicles. Fast Heavy Flamers are awesome. Autocannons are awesome. It is kind of a utility list, with something for everything without being battle-forcey. I have actually gotten in a battle report with this list and hope to post it soon.
Vegas List 9, Codex: Chaos Space Marines
List 9 - Alpha Legion
Chaos Lord w/Terminator Armor, Combi-Melta, Daemon Weapon
10 Chaos Space Marines w/2 Meltaguns
Rhino w/Dozer Blade
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Meltagun, Flamer, Aspiring Champion, Powerfist
Rhino w/Dozer Blade
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Autocannon, Plasma Gun
5 Chaos Terminators w/Lightning Claws, 2 Combi-Meltas, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/Lightning Claws, 2 Combi-Meltas, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/2 Combi-Flamers, 2 Combi-Plasmas, Heavy Flamer, Chainfist
Chaos Predator w/Lascannon Sponsons
This list is a more fluff list than competitive. I guess, strictly speaking it is a 2+1. The Rhinos advance, the Terminators and Lord Deep Strike, and the Predator and AutoPlas squad provide supressive fire. I have not yet played this list and the models are only partially built. I will however, probably get smoked by loyalist terminators.
Chaos Lord w/Terminator Armor, Combi-Melta, Daemon Weapon
10 Chaos Space Marines w/2 Meltaguns
Rhino w/Dozer Blade
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Meltagun, Flamer, Aspiring Champion, Powerfist
Rhino w/Dozer Blade
10 Chaos Space Marines w/Autocannon, Plasma Gun
5 Chaos Terminators w/Lightning Claws, 2 Combi-Meltas, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/Lightning Claws, 2 Combi-Meltas, Heavy Flamer, Powerfist, Chainfist
5 Chaos Terminators w/2 Combi-Flamers, 2 Combi-Plasmas, Heavy Flamer, Chainfist
Chaos Predator w/Lascannon Sponsons
This list is a more fluff list than competitive. I guess, strictly speaking it is a 2+1. The Rhinos advance, the Terminators and Lord Deep Strike, and the Predator and AutoPlas squad provide supressive fire. I have not yet played this list and the models are only partially built. I will however, probably get smoked by loyalist terminators.
Vegas Lists 7 and 8, Codex: Eldar
List 7 - Mechdar
Farseer w/Runes of Warding, Guide
5 Dire Avengers
5 Dire Avengers
5 Dire Avengers
10 Guardians w/Scatter Laser, Warlock, Embolden
5 Fire Dragons
Wave Serpent w/Twin-linked Shuriken Cannon
5 Fire Dragons w/Exarch, Firepike, Crack Shot
Wave Serpent w/Twin-linked Shuriken Cannon
5 Fire Dragons w/Exarch, Firepike, Crack Shot
Wave Serpent w/Twin-linked Shuriken Cannon
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
This list works around a 3+1 build. Codex: Eldar is old and sub-par. This list doesn't have a ton of firepower, but can work pretty well with what it has. The only advantage is speed, which this army has (except the Guardians). The disadvantages are cost of singular models and fragility. Dice can kind of ruin my day, especially if things don't go well. Objective games are this lists strength.
List 8 - Footdar
10 Guardians w/Scatter Laser
10 Guardians w/Scatter Laser
10 Storm Guardians w/2 Flamers
5 Rangers
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Dual Catapults, Bladestorm
6 Harlequins w/5 Harlequins Kisses, Shadowseer
3 D-Cannons
3 D-Cannons
3 Dark Reapers w/Exarch, Tempest Launcher, Crack Shot
Ok, I know this list looks really weird on paper. I recently played a 2k version of this in a Winter gaming league and went 5-0-1 with it. Its strength is that people do not know what to do against it. It is deceptively strong and resilient, provided it gets to midfield. It has ZERO long range firepower. This list must get to midfield. Also, dawn of war destroys this army, as it takes the D-Cannons 4 turns to get to the center of the board. (Artillery can't run).
Farseer w/Runes of Warding, Guide
5 Dire Avengers
5 Dire Avengers
5 Dire Avengers
10 Guardians w/Scatter Laser, Warlock, Embolden
5 Fire Dragons
Wave Serpent w/Twin-linked Shuriken Cannon
5 Fire Dragons w/Exarch, Firepike, Crack Shot
Wave Serpent w/Twin-linked Shuriken Cannon
5 Fire Dragons w/Exarch, Firepike, Crack Shot
Wave Serpent w/Twin-linked Shuriken Cannon
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
Falcon w/Eldar Missile Launcher, Holo-Fields
This list works around a 3+1 build. Codex: Eldar is old and sub-par. This list doesn't have a ton of firepower, but can work pretty well with what it has. The only advantage is speed, which this army has (except the Guardians). The disadvantages are cost of singular models and fragility. Dice can kind of ruin my day, especially if things don't go well. Objective games are this lists strength.
List 8 - Footdar
10 Guardians w/Scatter Laser
10 Guardians w/Scatter Laser
10 Storm Guardians w/2 Flamers
5 Rangers
10 Dire Avengers w/Exarch, Dual Catapults, Bladestorm
6 Harlequins w/5 Harlequins Kisses, Shadowseer
3 D-Cannons
3 D-Cannons
3 Dark Reapers w/Exarch, Tempest Launcher, Crack Shot
Ok, I know this list looks really weird on paper. I recently played a 2k version of this in a Winter gaming league and went 5-0-1 with it. Its strength is that people do not know what to do against it. It is deceptively strong and resilient, provided it gets to midfield. It has ZERO long range firepower. This list must get to midfield. Also, dawn of war destroys this army, as it takes the D-Cannons 4 turns to get to the center of the board. (Artillery can't run).
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